16-year old mentally challenged boy tasered to death

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So is a fist :p What do you suppose we use for restraint? I guess the situation is not so much what is used, but how and when it's used. Kinda like how in the US cops are supplied a sidearm, doesn't mean they have to use it every time when its convenient.

Net guns.

just fucking around.

Sad that a young life was lost. People are more concerned over stray dogs and cats, which never get tazered, than they are about humans being treated like cattle. I wonder
if that cop would want his wife or children tazered. They would not use corporal punishment in schools (paddling) on a 16 year old, but they would tazer a 16 year old to death. What a discrace.
The kid was mentally handicapped. If you ask me, not only was this murder... it was a hate crime. I willing to bet it was two white cops who just tasered him repeatedly just to get their jollies off.. I don't think it's a coincidence that the murder happened behind closed doors of the abandoned house.. Something tells me that if the chase had ended out in the open, the kid would still be alive today...kind of makes me sick to my stomach actually.
Police are the scum of the earth IMO. The only reason someone ends up as a police officer is as an excuse to get back at society for not letting him have a good job without a college degree. They get paid nothing, and rightfully so. Risking their lives everyday in your job - to protect and serve me- how honorably ironic...I hope they get in a car wreck every time I see one. Every police officer has a baseball bat shoved up their ass and believes they can do whatever they want. As mentioned, this wasn't just murder, this was a hate crime. My little sister could arrest a 110 lb mentally challenged kid. Sure there are good cops out there, but I'd say about 1/5000. Not biased on anything.
First of All,

Im highly doubtful that the only reason they ran was for an "expired tag".

Second of all, they dont even explain in detail, the extent of the kids mental illness. He could have had ADHD for all we know.

Third, Dont run from the police because typically it doesnt end well.

Fourth, dont resist the police after running from them because they will taze you.

While I dont understand the complete details of the story, afterall it is CNN, I think the police were completely justififed in the use of the tazers and that a jury would rule in favor of the police officers.

If you werent up to shenanigans in the first place shit like this wouldnt happen.

Do whats right.
Tasers are dangerous but so are showers... doesn't mean we shouldn't use 'em.

Good to see not everyone on this forum is a sheeple who will exclaim

"Oh my god, that is horrible/wonderful"

Whenever the media puts a twist on something. + Rep for Kyle for seing through the bull shit and having the balls to say what the truth.
Way I figure it you get dicks from highschool that want a power trip, become the local badge'n'gun and sign up to a police department that simply does not have the resources to do proper training and psych evaluation.
Best way to solve this is to actually evaluate whether or not people are suitable for the criteria you desire in specific parts of the police force, and assign them accordingly. Trigger happy types should be on desk duties.

Even then, you'll have some that slip through the cracks. Your mildly above average sociopath that gets a kick from the power. This is why you need external oversight bodies, who can have complaints sent to them, and who are going to act on it.

What shits me is that a lot of cops do a damn fine job, and you never ever hear about it. Every day, there are plenty of cops who solve crimes, prevent crimes, help people out, etc. Hell, a friend of mine was given a lift once after he'd been mugged and didn't even have money for the train home.
However, none of that shit is terribly good column space in the morning paper. You're not going to buy a newspaper when the cover story is "Cop gives dude a lift home at 3am". You might pay attention if there's something about a major drug bust... But you're really going to fucking buy into it when the cops jack boot someone, regardless of whether they deserve it or not, because people like to read about things that don't normally happen.

Again "Cop gives homeless black guy a cup of coffee" isn't going to sell news, but I've seen it happen on more than one occassion.
So don't tell me that every cop is an arsehole when you've got departments that aren't even bothering to evaluate candidate suitability to an assigned role.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
The Coast Guard... duh!
Simpson quotes aside, you can't lump all cops in together.
Every once in awhile, one of these goons beats or kills someone, like that kid who was shot in the back in SF a few months back, and it's about making people more terrified, and making them more likely to run when confronted by police.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOLvv3Wf0JM&fmt=18]YouTube - Murder City - Green Day[/ame]
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