1500+ Blog Posts - 1300+ IPs - 4500+ Backlinks - Crazy SERPs!

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To clarify, I don't send out full url reports, used to do that and it gets my blogs into trouble, by giving out google codes its all safe for every one :)

But either way, we're still getting the blogs. Why not just make it easier on your customers?
I need a complete break down on this "google code" you refer to prior to any order. If its similar to what matt laclear does; for example uses code names of some off the wall name "Joey Kerokononovich" or something which wouldnt be in google to find out blogs, that would be a bit odd. Even then, someone could "deindex" your blogs couldn't they? Anyhow, let me know how im going to know - that im getting what I pay for. I dont wanna send $ out and not get a report, lol. Look forward to pm
I received your PM, thank you

1.) Doesnt this google code leave a footprint though and look unnatural?

2.) What if I wanted to receive the 1,500 blog posts, to build backlinks to those backlinks. What your saying, is that I would need to wait for them to be indexed and can't run t hem through linklicious ,or throw blog posts at those - etc right?
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