125+ Bookmarking site in 4$ SO cheap Offer

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how much for 125 sb submission plus new account creation?
these accounts would also be given to me.
Thanks All For Amazing Review

Got my report last night, checked a few and they look very good. I'm quite happy with this service and price and will probably be a repeat customer.

Just pmed and placed a new order, this guy rocks ;)


ordered (4) 125+ packages, just received my report and everything looks good. will order again!

Just received my report for 500 bookmarks, looks great! Terrific service

Pm sent To All

I went ahead and bought two small packages. Let's see how it goes :)

Is your service still available. One small question for you. Is the submission auto or manually done. I mostly prefer manual submission.

Just sent payment for yet another 125 bookmarks order and 30 bonus.

Please send me more info. How many submissions do you make per account?

Just sent the payment (Unique Transaction ID #05T252403S917582E) for my order... thanks!

Just sent payment and info...will wait for the report...

Please PM Me details if this is still active

how much for 125 sb submission plus new account creation?
these accounts would also be given to me.

Ordered 500 SB.
Job was well done and in a timely manner, but I do have a question before I order again.

I ordered the 125 X 4 URL's and seems all 4 URL's are together in the same bookmarking accounts. If ordered separately (like days apart) will they then be placed in different bookmarking accounts.
Pm sent To ALL

I ordered the 125+ Social Bookmarking +(30) BONUS and look forward to recieveing the report. Thanks

i am intersted in your services for like 20 websites of mine please let me know the prices

payment made...plz check PM

Hi, any news from my report, please see your pm for the email to send it too.


Job was well done and in a timely manner, but I do have a question before I order again.

I ordered the 125 X 4 URL's and seems all 4 URL's are together in the same bookmarking accounts. If ordered separately (like days apart) will they then be placed in different bookmarking accounts.

Ordered the $8 package a couple of minutes ago. Looking forward to seeing the results.

It's time for my second order, can you kindly PM details for 125+ Social Bookmarking +(30) BONUS. Thanks
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