Order Complete: 4483316374
125+ Social Bookmarking +(20) BONUS
Working time 1 day
what's your current turn around time on new orders?
order placed (few hours ago) Number : 4483266061.
Let the BMark bgin!
Interested in:
500+ Social Bookmarking +(30) BONUS
Working time 3 days
Price $ 14
pls PM me details
I want to order
125+ Social Bookmarking +(20) BONUS
Working time 1 day
do you still offer this service?
Great package, i think that i will buy it.
Just placed another order.
ordered 2 x 250 packages. order # 4482951322. Sent details as well, thanks .
Order Placed for a 2x125+ 2Checkout.com Order Number : 4482912374
Sent PM with info for each one...
Thanks in Advance
I will take a 2x125+ Please send details to order.. Thanks
^^ All reply sent..
im yet to receive reply nor report from you, and its being more than 2 days since I ordered and paid.. Though your description said 1 day turn around.... How long would I be waiting ....?