125+ Bookmarking site in 4$ SO cheap Offer

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Order Complete: 4474525853

I sent the details to your emails in live.com and gmail.com
it seems your inbox is full and I can't pm you.

Please confirm the order
just placed an order after sending u an email

Order Complete: 4474686475
Transaction ID #1JL60528CH368345E

pls get back to me
Pm sent

Please PM me with payment details.
Can you spin titles within on of the big package?

Detail received

What is the status of my order?

Thanks for the last order here is the new one:

Transaction ID: 16081717VV5280807

By the way after payment was made on the finalization page it froze or something so I am sending you details by pm.

payment sent for 3 urls

2Checkout.com Order Number : 4475059716

Transaction ID: 7AT70567K5514942J

waiting for response.
As per our last discussion I have ordered 5 * 500 package through plimus. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Transaction id:9LE38912RY956414C

OKay, 3,000 SBS were ordered.
Order Complete: 4475898084
Transaction ID: 86X404743H9544548

Please confirm that you got the email with the information and advise how much time will you need to complete the work.

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