order received
Paid for 4 of 125+! 2Checkout.com Order Number : 4390983878
When would this be done?
Paid for 4 of 125+! 2Checkout.com Order Number : 4390983878
When would this be done?
Hi, how can I order for your services. Thanks.
could i please see a list of the social book marking sites you submit to
Please send order info for 125+ Social Bookmarking +(20) BONUS
Hi, payment made Transaction ID: 8F6764218K547623B. Please add the +20 Bonus
offer. Thanks.
Another bulk order sent. Thanks again for the help!
Another order sent in.
Just placed another order for 3 x 200 bookmarks + bonus. Thanks!
whats your PP address and the email to send the details for my order?
placed an order with you on 2CO, thanks man!
A question for the OP or anyone else who knows the answer: If you are targeting more than one keyword, should you do an order for each keyword, or does Google only recognize one of these submissions per URL?
Order Complete: 4391613814
pm with link details sent. let's rip it up!
Hi, Please PM me the paypal ID to give an order
Please PM me paypal info for an order!
Nice. I will review