100k to Spend? Suggestions?


Gimmie My Bread.
Jan 6, 2007
A good buddy of mine is a former professional football player and he is currently a trainer.

He's worked with a fair number of draft picks and he has a pretty good flow of current clients that he trains right now.

We've got 100k right now to put into something and here's where we are so far.

Option 1. Clickbank weight loss/fitness product. Something of course with a recurring billing component and a buttload of upsells, cross sells and downsells. I know, I know clickbank but people bank on weight loss and fitness.

Option 2. An actual product similar to P90x or Insanity. Basically something similar to what these guys have Beachbody Fitness, Nutrition, Diet and Weight Loss Products and Videos
Our budget would have to be much higher if we go that route I suppose.

Just trying to get a feel where the market is and what looks like it
might be the best use of the money. I'm not married to any of these ideas.


I would buy a 5+ year old in the fitness/weight lifting genre that's making 3k+ monthly currently.
I would create a product, but no on Clickbank. You will have a hard time doing upsells with CB. Your best bet is to get your own merchant account. If you create a legit product, you should have no problem with refunds. Then you can upsell them thru your own platform. You can get also get into supplements.
Option 1. Clickbank

whooo whoo whoo take it easy there buddy.

I wouldn't invest it all into one idea or one site right off the bat. Use it to gain learning experience.

I vote start your own product.
buy a successful company, product or site if you dont know what to make....

dont think about the product, think about what you want to be doing and how you want to spend your time

otherwise take the money and shove it in your ass, it should come back out as 200k
People laugh at clickbank, but if you're on the merchant/advertiser side of things there really isn't anything better. No monthly caps, no handling refund requests, easy integration with many e-commerce scripts, and a large affiliate base that can build your mailing list pretty quick. If I was in your position, I'd have a diet + workout program created, hire a ghost writer to make a book about it (upsell the hell out of the website), publish it amazon for like $8, hire a good PR firm, do some interviews etc.

For the website, do something like a 120 day diet program with daily meals and suggested workouts, calories burned calculator, meal/nutrients tracker, drip feed the content on a daily/weekly basis, offer affiliates 75% recurring, and then on the back end upsell the workout videos, supplements, and maybe even 1 on 1 consulting.

Of course put an opt-in form on the site, setup a forum, offer incentives to people who upload youtube videos and before/after videos, facebook fan page, twitter, blog, etc...
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I'd buy an existing established website, with strong search engine placements. Some thing which offers value to the visitors in the form of content or something else. I know search engine rankings r volatile but if u r in the seo game for long enough, u'll be able handle the risks with ease.
In short something like this but on a smaller scale as this would cost much higher. I know the domain is crappy but 3k compete means something.
After getting something like this and with a seo/am mindset, the ROI you can make with it is insane.
100K on black dude you cant lose. no seriously though. Wtf did you do before you had the 100K ?? Scale that up. Don't throw all your eggs in one basket that can end up being a very costly lesson and if you're friend is really that good a trainer he's probably big enough to kick your ass after you sell him on some clickbank shit and you go broke issuing refunds and shit .

i would say you should scale existing stuff that you already have thats already profitable, or try a series of small entries (but do not juggle them all at once. Sucks to fail once at something, sucks even more to fail at 5 things at once because you can't handle all the work)