100k to Spend? Suggestions?

I'd start an online casino.

I know a 100k isn't much for that, but it can be done if you know where to go/what to do, or get someone who does know.

Rofl ftchater you so sexy.

Seriously I think seeing all the steaming piles of shit advice surrounding your advice really makes it's genius stand out.
I would buy a 3+ year old in the fitness/weight lifting genre that's making 5k+ monthly currently.
Take his 100k and lock it away in a safe. Come back to him in a year and say 'I'm really sorry but I was unable to make you any money. To atleast make it up to you, here is your 100k back, paid in full.' ... He will now trust you with a million. Take it and run, man... Just gtfo.

Your posts have afforded me so many lolz lately
You gotta calculate your risk/reward ratio and just how important that money is to you.

Here's what I'd do.

1. If this was MY money:
I'd develop a product like others suggested. I've already created several products but with 100k dedicated to just one project I'd think a lot bigger.
Thing is, if it's your money you can waste it and not flinch. I've wasted so much money on my own ideas and tests it's insane. But I don't care because I know I always bounce back and my stunts don't affect noone but me.


2. If it's not my money, like in your case.
I had people invest with me and I just negotiated with a new investor to do a 30-100k project. In this case I'm WAY more cautious. In this case you're messing with someone elses life. You can't predict how would they react to failure. In this case I go for low risk low (longterm) reward projects. An example is buying an already established business where you see a lot of room for improvement.

With this in mind, I'd suggest going for a safer and longterm investment type of project.

EDIT: I just wanted to clarify something. Safer is obviously a strange word in this case because if you can't properly pre-screen which businesses are in a place where you can take them to the next level it's actually a HIGH risk investment. So, you have to asses which skills are you bringing to the table. If you've already created a few successful products then product creation path is clearly the safer one.
I see these posts time from time, and even thought about posting my own. But the truth is if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be investing. Tough I know. But if I had to give some advice, it would be start out with about 1/4th your budget, that should be more than enough to see if your product works. If the whole budget, I would try to get it on an infomercial.

But I probably still wouldn't say that, and If I liked you I would probably say, "open up a gym". Use his name to get clients, make it big enough to hold over 1,000 members and charge around $30-$40. Hire some other personal trainers, and employees. And then if you still want to come back and do something on the internet, use your consistent earnings from the gym to do so.
I see these posts time from time, and even thought about posting my own. But the truth is if you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be investing. Tough I know. But if I had to give some advice, it would be start out with about 1/4th your budget, that should be more than enough to see if your product works. If the whole budget, I would try to get it on an infomercial.

But I probably still wouldn't say that, and If I liked you I would probably say, "open up a gym". Use his name to get clients, make it big enough to hold over 1,000 members and charge around $30-$40. Hire some other personal trainers, and employees. And then if you still want to come back and do something on the internet, use your consistent earnings from the gym to do so.

Actually I thought I'd ask because I have the money because of this thread right here ==> http://www.wickedfire.com/affiliate-marketing/21700-recipe-200k-per-year-job.html

Most of the 100k is mine. Seemed like worth my time to float the idea and see what I get and to be frank, I've gotten a lot.


And oh yeah.. Local is the shizznet if you do it right.
I would hire two different Flash/Facebook development firms to create two unique Facebook games. Whichever one became most popular, I would contract an iPhone version.

I would hire an ebook writer to create 3 different guides to my game, and market them on eBay and the ebook cesspools under different names.

If the game is really popular, I'd have an Android version done.

Then I'd start over with two more games.

Then, I'd hire that ebook writer to write this post up as an ebook, get some videos done, and sell my "Get Rich Developing for Facebook" for $97.50 a pop.

Once I had my first million, I'd start investing in patents and dirt cheap properties from foreclosures.
I think FTC hater really laid it out well, but I think investing $75k into copyrighting and product development is a little much.

--> take those top performing offers on craigslist and print out the sales copy, read it throughout your days...come back to it. And learn how its done yourself - then apply those techniques to VIDEO so all those lazy fatasses don't have to read your letter...then can just kick back with a hotdog and watch :)
you got so much money to spent

i will do 2 things if i have that money

run PPC campaign for the most hot selling product on clickbank

second is to hire somebody to produce a good product and sell it on clickbank

Fact: Truth About Abs, Clickbank's #1 product outside the make money online niche does well over 100k revenue every day.

Single affiliates do well into five figures every day.

Out of your suggestions, with yourself not being overly experienced in product creation and promotion, I'd go the Clickbank route.

With 100k you have a lot of money to play with.

1) Hire two very good CLICKBANK copywriters.

...There's a distinct style that direct response marketers just don't grasp when it comes to the online sales letter / video.

Have each do a long form sales letter and then a powerpoint video template (basically what should be on each slide).

2) Have a designer do two-xx designs to split test your copy. Also have your long form sales letters spoken to be put as power point videos.

Note: Truth About Abs, written by Vin Montello, was originally a long form sales letter before being turned into a powerpoint video. The speaker literally read off the sales letter and clicked through the slides.

...Powerpoint are as much a fade as anything. In a year they'll be dead. Long form sales letter copy is NEVER dead... it's the bread and butter of all direct response and online sales whether you like reading or not.

Your biggest asset ever will be the long form sales copy pieces you get.

3) Test combinations until there's a proven winner. No matter how unlikely it'll seem that one video and design will work extremely well there is always one combination, as with any copy/design, that surpasses all.

4) You should have your copywriters do at least one upsell... possibly get each copywriter to do a different upsell. So one would do a $97 video course the other a $197 home study course piece of copy.

...Your buyer is already predisposed to buy from you again. Your backend, no matter the price as long as we're talking under $300 with proper copy, should convert at atleast 30%. 50% is where you should aim for.

5) Refine your process of upsells and downsells to no more than five.

...Beyond that your buyer will get anxious and may refund the whole thing.

Note: As to the uninformed posters above saying Clickbank doesn't work well with upsells you don't use them beyond the first few dipshit. You use merchant accounts for all bigger upsells.

A good process may be a $37 front end with a $97 backend... if they don't take the backend downsell it to $47 and if they take that or not hit them with a $197-397 coaching/ home study course. If they take upsell one then hit them with the $197-397 coaching/ home study course.

Beyond that is your call... it's usually best to wait and sucker... uh, persuade, your buyer after a week or two with a bigger $997 or $1,997 coaching program.

6) Recruit affiliates... through whois spamming big affiliates doing media buys to doing guest posts on Shoemoney (which is a great move for this guy starting out) like here.

This is pretty much grunt work and phone calls just like any affiliate manager.

Hint: big Clickbank products have "affilaite managers" going out trying to get people on board (mainly CPA guys, actually).

7) Test and optimize with the data from your affiliates. Your growth will directly be linked to how happy your affiliates are... just like I know "super affiliates" if you give me great service and bonuses I'll tell my friends.

The biggest point, and I can't stress it enough, is putting emphasize on copywriting. Don't think that Clickbank affiliates are stupid... they will promote what converts best for them. Look at fatloss4idiots on Quancast.

...That's what happens when your site converts like shit. And just a few years ago the did 22 million in revenue. Now they're lucky if they do 10... all because they didn't keep testing and optimizing their offers.

You have the luxury of cash... use it wisely. Build generic offers, with real value, that have awesome copy and test until that bitch converts better than any other weight loss offer.

Don't expect success to come immediately... make sure you have strong in house operations because it will take awhile for reluctant affiliates to switch over without some major pushing.

If you want copywriters hit me up on AIM: FTChater.

...Expect 10-30k per page + royalties from the three guys I'll give you.

One has written nearly every #1 Clickbank "make money online" product (all of which do over a million in revenue) who just finished a job for me outside the mmo niche... another wrote and directly coaches Truth About Abs... and the other writes direct mail pieces that do millions (and firmly understands the Clickbank game).

Personally I'd use 75k for copywriters and course development (including all the upsell goodies, etc). That's what like under $200 a day... you can do that with even the crappiest e-book in house. Don't skimp out, man. When you want to enter into big players like Truth about Abs, diet solution, and even Fat Loss 4 Idiots you need to spend money.

...They might not be in the spotlight or as glamorous as some re-bill offers. But you don't take away market share from low to mid eight figure companies without some fight.

...You won't need much for actually testing purposes. You'll make back most of it so it's not such a big deal. Recruiting affiliates also doesn't take much money, just effort.

You're one of the few guys around that gives out this quality of advice on a regular basis. +rep
Awesome thread here thanks to FTC-Hater.

The one thing I would do is go after the high school football niche. Your boy already knows about it, and there are TONS of kids, especially in small schools (Division 3 and below, for instance) that simply don't have the right offseason guidance. DOUBLY true when you talk about nutrition and supplementation.

You don't need 100k to go after it, but it could be a proving grounds for this plan, and then scale it big to go after some big dogs.

Of course, my best advice:

"You know what I would do if I had a million dollars? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities..."
The one thing I would do is go after the high school football niche. Your boy already knows about it, and there are TONS of kids, especially in small schools (Division 3 and below, for instance) that simply don't have the right offseason guidance. DOUBLY true when you talk about nutrition and supplementation.

this is so fucking incredibly true. My team won league, did well in playoffs, and set records in the county, and no one got a full ride. You could make a lot of money setting up training programs and more importantly, recruiting guides to teach these kids that all those recruiters are hustling salesmen and you have to be proactive to get picked up.
this is so fucking incredibly true. My team won league, did well in playoffs, and set records in the county, and no one got a full ride. You could make a lot of money setting up training programs and more importantly, recruiting guides to teach these kids that all those recruiters are hustling salesmen and you have to be proactive to get picked up.

My good buddy started a business geared towards this and is doing VERY well. He knows nothing about eBooks and ClickBank, his plan is different than that, but he has a very strong web presence.

Anyway, the problem he saw is that these kids don't know WTF they're doing, so they all end up on steroids/prohormones at age 16-18, and SERIOUSLY fuck themselves up. Growth plates get fused together, hormone levels never re-adjust, etc etc etc -- they're too young and also don't do proper PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)... which older guys have to do, let alone kids.

Anyway, "take your niche and divide by 1000". My vote is for high school football offseason training.