“RANKSURGE” Quality Articles and Blogs Submission Service – Get 2000+ Links and SERP

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I definitely would like to try out your service. I'll take the drip feed as well as the article that you write at the discounted rate of $44.95. Please PM payment details.
Unique Transaction ID #2RD59234GJ977321B

I made a request for my 2 urls to have 10 keyword anchors each. Both of the urls have been over optimised by using too many of the same anchor (thats what i believe). They have both dropped in rankings for their main keywords. So I'm diversifying the anchors now to see if I could push them back up again.

URL 1: position 8
URL 2: position 9
Unique Transaction ID #2RD59234GJ977321B

I made a request for my 2 urls to have 10 keyword anchors each. Both of the urls have been over optimised by using too many of the same anchor (thats what i believe). They have both dropped in rankings for their main keywords. So I'm diversifying the anchors now to see if I could push them back up again.

URL 1: position 8
URL 2: position 9

Hi SeoReborn

Yes, I have received payment from you and will be submitting your article within the next few hours. However, it will take about 2 to 3 days before I can fully extract the links report for you. Thank you for your support!

All the free review and discounted copies have been taken up. Thank you!
The price from now on will revert to the standard $39.95 for the basic submission service.
Hi SeoReborn

Yes, I have received payment from you and will be submitting your article within the next few hours. However, it will take about 2 to 3 days before I can fully extract the links report for you. Thank you for your support!

All the free review and discounted copies have been taken up. Thank you!
The price from now on will revert to the standard $39.95 for the basic submission service.

Cheers, please remember to drip feed for 2 weeks.
zhenjies review:

Speed: The report was sent back to me within 24 hours of submitting my 500 word article.

Communication: Desonwak promptly PM'ed with me with details of what was required, and promptly sent notice that work was finished along with report.
Report: Delivered in 3 Excel documents, two for each blog network distribution, and one for the article distribution. ALL with permanlinks, so easily to plug into scrapebox or any tool you use to check.

Blog Network 1: 578 approved and live links
Blog Network 2: 403 approved and live links. I think this is SUN network, which I have used in the past with good results (excellent indexing rates even for PR0 blogs)
Article submissions: Over a 1100 submissions, around 250 currently have permalinks, the rest were either pending or published but with no permanlink as yet. On holidays so don't have Scrapebox with me, but a random check of the 10 top PR directories show 9/10 live. And most important was the GoArticles one was live :)

Price: I got a review copy, but based on $39.95 I think this is a good value blog and article submission service. with 2 blog networks of over 1000 blogs, and article submission to a thousand plus sites, you should see a massive amount of backlinks created.

Quality: Spinning of title was very good and highly unique. The article itself was less so. Done at word level, but enough for the blog networks and artibles submission. The upside of lower spin level is that the articles are still very readable. Links were placed in the articles for the blog networks, and in the resources box for the article submissions. A random check shows all live and do-follow.

Overall Review: This service I can recommend to those who are not members of the blog networks and article submission services the provider uses. You are certainly to get hundreds of live links and with my experience with one of the blog networks, a large portion should be indexed/crawled with no effort. I didn't elect for the dripfeed service, but since its available at only $5 it makes this package stand out from other generic submission services. I would however like to have seen Drip Feeding included in the $39.95 price to make this an excellent value for money service. My only other recommendation is higher spin level of the articles, but since I submitted my article unspun, I guess you can only spin so much.

My score, 4/5. Would have gotten 5/5 for Drip Feed included in price.
Review I got the first review copy of this service.

Speed&communication:perfect and the project submitted in three days.

Product overview: I given a live article base article to him.spinning was good and excellent. I got report with total of 1162 submission,In that For 260 op given live links,Where 150 is live.In that already 50 is indexed that is good for this business.Even before he provided the report i saw an article about my website yesterday itself from search engine.It is good sign.

Need improvement.In the 150 article live 15 have PR others are PR0,It is the part needs to be improved.There are lot of High PR links are there but in pending state.Lets wait for that to publish.

Blog network:Over 450+517 submissions where he gives permalinks for 50% only,Hope all will be there.Only notable part is some blogs are in .info domains that needs to be improved,Because .info is less likely given any boost in my book

SERP movement:One of my keyword moved from page three to two,another important keyword stick in page 6,lets see these pending article go live.

Rating:9/10 Recommended.

I got a free review copy, but I had to pay 10 dollars for him to write me an article.

Speed and Communications: I got the report in less than 3 days after I ordered. This is very good turn around time considering the fact that he had to provide an article.

What I got: I got three reports: 1 for article directories, 1 for blog network 1 and other is for blog network 2.

Article Directories: the article was submitted to over 1300 directories and 317 of them are live now, others are pending approval.

Blog Network 1: Article was submitted to 578 different blogs. I haven't ran a Scrapebox link check, but I randomly checked and all links were in place.

Blog Network 2: 412 live articles. Same as network 1.

Article Quality: Article is readable even tho it was well-spun. Obviously it is not something you put on your site, but it is perfect for this purposes.

Overall: I think this service is definitely worth 39.95. OP delivers very quickly and his work is high quality. I will definitely use his service in the future.


1. Backlinkers
2. Andrey
3. Zhenjie

Thank you for your feedback and honest reviews. I shall endeavor to improve on the quality of my service.

my review:
Turnaround time: 3 days, pretty good since he spun the article
received 4 excels file via email, 1 for article submission and 3 for different blog network
list of article directory: 1175, blog network 1 - 404blogs , blog network 2 337blogs, blog network 3 350blogs
pr of blog and article site are as described, a few higher PR and most of the are pr 1 or lower
randomly check a few link and my article is post.
i asked him to spun my url and keyword as well. He did it without charging me extra. that's pretty cool
This is a huge package and for 39.95 is a steal.

SERP movement:One of the tough keyword with 11,500,000 moved to second page top.
Where another keyword in the sixth page moved to third page.Very impressed with this service.

my review:
Turnaround time: 3 days, pretty good since he spun the article
received 4 excels file via email, 1 for article submission and 3 for different blog network
list of article directory: 1175, blog network 1 - 404blogs , blog network 2 337blogs, blog network 3 350blogs
pr of blog and article site are as described, a few higher PR and most of the are pr 1 or lower
randomly check a few link and my article is post.
i asked him to spun my url and keyword as well. He did it without charging me extra. that's pretty cool
This is a huge package and for 39.95 is a steal.

Thank you for your review.

SERP movement:One of the tough keyword with 11,500,000 moved to second page top.
Where another keyword in the sixth page moved to third page.Very impressed with this service.

I am glad to hear that you have seen some improvements in your keywords SERP. Thanks for the update!
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