Copeac selling their email list?


New member
Mar 3, 2007
I just got an email from to my copeac email address ( sent via iContact. The list I'm on says ConductSearch_TradeShow but I'd have never given out that address ever at a trade show, and the email is targeted.

Anyone else get this? Maybe a rogue asshole ex-employee?

I'd expect that if something like this did happen, people would scrub for "copeac" in the address for this very reason.
We dont sell our list, broker our list or let anyone mail anything to the list.

Could be someone scrapped it or added you to a mail list, or could be part of the data breach at DT last year.
We dont sell our list, broker our list or let anyone mail anything to the list.

Could be someone scrapped it or added you to a mail list, or could be part of the data breach at DT last year.

Thanks for responding Mike. Presuming it wasn't DT, where would they possibly scrape it from if the only place that address existed was in your DB?
Thanks for responding Mike. Presuming it wasn't DT, where would they possibly scrape it from if the only place that address existed was in your DB?

PM me your details (such as ID in our system) and ill look in to it for you. There's really no value in a email list of a bunch of internet marketers. I dont get why anyone would think their email was valuable and worth selling to someone else.

Seems like a thread like this is started monthly
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Round 2!

Hey I got the same email too... it has to be one of the networks I just don't know which one, because I only use that email account for affiliate network applications.
umm wat.

a list of active/valid webmasters is pretty much = priceless . . .

Couldn't agree more, even if you manage to attract one or two high volume pubs from a list of xx,xxx. A list of marketers is gold, networks should make it extremely hard to export them, even for employees.

I've been getting spammed left and right by new startup networks (one which seems to have been started by an ex-employee of a network that we work with.)
Got the same one.

This is now getting out of hand. There must be a way to find out who is selling this stolen data and out them properly.

My money is on Pace. How could Offervault have given that twat a job?
mike krongel vs ryan eagle round 2


There's really no value in a email list of a bunch of internet marketers. I dont get why anyone would think their email was valuable and worth selling to someone else.

also this. i get spammed by random networks all the time, doesn't mean i sign up and start sending them all my traffic. and i didn't get any e-mail to my copeac account.

i'd take a list of raging acai purchasers over any networks pub list.