Search results

  1. n8800

    Mechanical Keyboard

    I had been contemplating to get one for a while. I've been using a g15 logitech gaming keyboard for 8-9 years. I gotta recommend one of these babies to you guys because these things make a world of difference. I wrote out a couple of articles and I seem to be enjoying writing on this thing. It's...
  2. n8800

    Password Required?

    I see this in the Traffic & Content, Enlightened Members, and Startups, Product Development, Business Strategy sections. I've been away for a couple of months and have no idea why this is happening.:angrysoapbox_sml: Any ideas?
  3. n8800

    YNAB discount

    I remember seeing a thread about this a couple of months ago some of you were interested. I was interested in picking it up as well but spending money to save money didn't make much sense at the time. For people who have no idea what I'm talking about Personal Budget Software - Finance...
  4. n8800

    I'm a Dinosaur

    I just signed up with maxbounty and was planing on getting back into affiliate marketing. However it seems I'm a tad bit lost, the last time i did aff marketing was back in 07. Now there are all these new tools, rules, and ways to push offers. Anything worth reading up on before i start...
  5. n8800

    When was the last time you read a book?

    I quit my job and a week ago I came back from a week long vacation. After spending the week playing video games and waking up at 3pm I've decided I should do something productive with my free time. I want to take like a couple of months off from everything and spend sometime readjusting myself...
  6. n8800

    I'm guessing it would be worth the right price to the right buyer but I'm having my doubts...What do you guys think?
  7. n8800

    Any Canadians here?

    Around these times next year I'll be finishing up my Masters in political sciences and public administration. Given the circumstances of my country I have been on the look for an opportunity to get out of here and actually make use of myself and what i have. I just read something a few moments...
  8. n8800

    BOTW Discount

    I just received this email Today only you can save 50% off all Best of the Web products. Click below and be sure to enter promo code 20YEARS at checkout to enjoy special, one-day only savings. Enjoy :banana_sml:
  9. n8800

    Appraises appreciated!
  10. n8800

    Movie Traffic?

    I had a site when the whole watch movies online thing was the latest fad. I still have that domain and it still brings in a steady number 200-300 people a day, however i don't have a site like that and have no interest in building one. Besides selling the domain, where can i find a vertical in...
  11. n8800

    Kvm Switch Or Synergy?

    Currently I'm using two computers at the same time by using a software called synergy. It enables me to use one mouse and keyboard to control two computers. I'm sure there are people who use to PC's at the same time, how do you do it? One downside to synergy is every time i turn on the second...
  12. n8800

    Super gluing a dildo

    I have a lot of work to do, so I'm just going to leave this here. Girlfriend is a Dick Head Prank! - YouTube
  13. n8800

    When in doubt, Kick the shit out of a little girl.

    Most likely a staged event...But i have encountered a few spoiled brats that i would love to kick the shit out of... Im Aufzug Erschrecken - YouTube
  14. n8800

    What is your thoughts on GAN?

    I recently started to promote a few of their offers, mainly commission offers. Out of Total i have received 600 clicks and yet zero conversions. However with linkshare as soon as a campaign hits around 200 clicks i would have already converted at-least a few sales. Now I'm thinking they are...
  15. n8800

    WTB Seo Services For Adult Image Host

    I'm looking to bump up my adult image host in the serps alittle so im looking for SEO providers Hit me up if you do link wheels scrapebox blasts etc i need results fast!
  16. n8800

    1k backlinks $10

    I have an extra server with xrumer on it doing nothing so i thought i should offer this service. I wont waste your time talking about what an xrumer blast is and how it works im a numbers man and im sure you are too. What i am offering is 1k verified backlinks via xrumer completed in 24hrs...
  17. n8800

    Cpa stats question!

    I'm a affilate of CpaStorm and Pantera Interactive and they both use the Direct-track system on they're sites. On my site when ever a user clicks on a affiliate link it automatically aphends the subid which is created in the mysql database.when her or she clicks the linke affliate[SID] it...
  18. n8800

    Indivual Sign up Tracking!

    I'd like to start a incentivized site, i have most of the cms ready but i'd like to be able to Individually track each sign up. If i could atleast via the sign up email it would be great for me... I've looked at prosper202 and tracking202 and im guessing they dont have a option like this...
  19. n8800

    Noob here....Hello to all!

    Just thought i should chime in and say Hello! Let the burning and name calling begin!:music06: