Search results

  1. riddarhusetgal

    The G20 Summit '09 - Will It Go Down in History?

    Kind of surprised no one started a thread here! Curious to see what comes of it given the state of the world's economies. I was totally surprised to see Kramer giving props to Geithner on Morning Joe (yes I do like the show alot so sue me :P). His exact words were, "He may go down as one of...
  2. riddarhusetgal

    Stardard Agreement & Usful Forms PDFs

    I'd love to have a thread with links to some very useful forms. For instance, I just found some Independent Contractor and Non-Disclosure forms (to give to my outsourcers). It would be great to have like a list of links that had say dozens of template forms other members use for their daily...
  3. riddarhusetgal - Anyone Else Being Spammed By Them?

    What is up with these folks?! Are they trying to make this into the Linkedin version of Asmallworld? I know ASW did something similar during their initial launch, but my goodness! Anyone here affiliated with them please chime in.....Not sure this behavior is the kind that would make me refer...
  4. riddarhusetgal

    Today's WTF moment...

    @marfarma & turbo....dunno if you all are into any heavy domain investing (by the way I hate the term "domaining" I really feel like "domain investing" better promotes domains as a very viable alternative fixed income asset class; but that's another story)....anyway, there was a great DN Journal...
  5. riddarhusetgal

    So, what's the story on WF?

    "some newbies may not be knowing this trick to earn in this method!!!" You pretty much hit the nail on the head. In fact, I'm planning to legally change my name to KYAS...
  6. riddarhusetgal

    Got Something to Say to WF Mods? Visit

    Keep Your Ass Shut! Sorry Lord B, couldn't stop myself, lol (not a dickroll I assure you. Kid and workplace friendly..)
  7. riddarhusetgal

    The Best Ebook Ever - Thank You Wickedfore

    Quote: Originally Posted by rbnj0904 you mother fucker son of a bitch !!! mind your words first !!! i dint force anyone to buy this ebook !!! every buyer has a reseller...
  8. riddarhusetgal

    Subliminal Advertising - Guard Your Mind...

    YouTube - Derren Brown - Subliminal Advertising If you have ever doubted how your subconscious mind can unknowingly be passed suggestions without your knowledge, watch this. This is a controlled experiment involving a very blue chip advertising company... That's why I always try to fast...
  9. riddarhusetgal

    Nominate a Friend to be a TED Fellow

    fyi... Dear TED Community, Applications for fellowships at TEDGlobal 2009 have now opened! TED is excited to begin the search for the inaugural class of TEDGlobal Fellows to participate in the TEDGlobal Conference in Oxford, U.K. Following the successful Fellows program launch in Long Beach...
  10. riddarhusetgal

    Buying Niche Directory & Review Site Themes

    Interested in anyone who's done some nice hack ups of themes for local directories, niche directories and/or review sites. Allocating about $50 to outsource this minor creative work. PM if you have any designs. Tx!
  11. riddarhusetgal

    TIP: Read Wickedfire NOT the NEWS!!

    I'm going to make this brief 'cause it's 4:53am or so and I have some work to do. I found WF back in 2007 when I just started online. Yesterday, we had the worst employment numbers in 25 years..... Coincidentally, yesterday, I had one of my MOST PROFITABLE days of that 2 years. The moral of...
  12. riddarhusetgal

    Warning: Stay Away from WP Cloner by Mass Automation

    I really, really hope some enterprising WF member can come up with a product that clones blogs. I've had to deal with sub par programs and poor service-oriented merchants in my quest to find a good solution and enough is enough! Case in point is the WP Cloner by Mass Automation. I purchased...
  13. riddarhusetgal

    Skittles Replaces Web Site With Twitter Feed...

    Damn they are innovative.... For years, Skittles has encouraged consumers to "Taste the Rainbow." Now, the candy brand wants people to "Chat the Rainbow." Mars Snackfood, maker of the chewy, multicolored candies, launched a new homepage at on Thursday that may represent the...
  14. riddarhusetgal

    $.99 .us domains

    fyi webfusion, a uk company is running a promo offering .us domains for .99 for the next couple of months. May be a good time to pick up some names for development as these usually cost what .com's do....
  15. riddarhusetgal

    Fucking Idiots - What Wordtracker's Question Tool Can Show...

    Some horny as hell ones too apparently:
  16. riddarhusetgal

    Interview with smaxor at ASW.

    Is he half finnish :D ....oh ps, no disrespect to your lady, just keeping it
  17. riddarhusetgal

    Fucking Idiots - What Wordtracker's Question Tool Can Show...

    Is it just me or are you also continually surprised by the idiot stuff people use the web to find answers for?! For instance: " where is the washington monument located" WTF?! Hmmmm...let me fucking guess............. WASHINGTON MAYBE!!!!!!!! If you want...
  18. riddarhusetgal

    Traffic Amsterdam, cctld Showcase - Anyone Going?

    Anyway here going? Rick Latona's co-sponsoring it and it looks pretty interesting....
  19. riddarhusetgal

    Meetup - Middle of Fucking Nowhere

    Sweden....plenty of these in the middle of nowhere... Need I say more :D (guys, this is how us girls feels when you randomly inject irrelevant tit pics in posts :P)
  20. riddarhusetgal

    Any IRC.RO Players here?! - Let's Play for Money...

    Anyone into fast games - 3 to 5 min games....