So, what's the story on WF?

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rebmeM roineS
Sep 23, 2008
da moon
I can't remember how I stumbled across it originally, but a word from Nicky Cakes brought me back to dust off my account.

Anyway, what's the deal with WF? How did it start? I can kinda see why it started - a no nonsense approach to the industry. I have to say it's quite refreshing. The place really seems to have a good 'vibe' or identity too ... which is rare sometimes.

I just read the 'shut your ass' thread and have to say that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while...

What's your favorite WF story? Why are you here?

I kept on running into Wickedfire on Google in early 2007 .

I was a N00b in some areas back then, but used Google like a champ to learn everything I know now.

Made an account here in May of 2007 and coincidentally have been self employed since.
"some newbies may not be knowing this trick to earn in this method!!!"

keep your ass shut.jpg

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. In fact, I'm planning to legally change my name to KYAS...
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