Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

You're invoking beneficial interest as the savior of mankind. I can't agree with that. Interest can manifest itself through violence just as easily.

Yes and no. For another example, there's zero chance Ontario is going to invade Quebec anytime soon. Why? Right, because they're the same country now.

Same thing will eventually happen, but it will encompass the entire globe. The world is only going to get smaller as time goes on, not larger.

The world is only going to get smaller as time goes on, not larger.

let's assume you're right about that. still the people at large won't suddenly become oblivious to disputes that run centuries deep and are based on nationality, religion, race, material status and their general sense of entitlement.

and when you have people like wayn3 arrogantly throwing their "supreme intelligence" in everyones face without contributing value of any kind, that's when you'll have a new set of problems to deal with.
you refer to everything from the international criminal court to the eu to any other bullshit youve read somewhere. you dont know their roles and fuck everything up. you dont even know what a fuckin rhetoric question is.
and how do you know he/she doesn't know? who are you, GOD? a fuckin' mindreader? STFU.
and when you have people like wayn3 arrogantly throwing their "supreme intelligence" in everyones face without contributing value of any kind, that's when you'll have a new set of problems to deal with.

And what kind of problems would that be? i told you you confused simple facts and youre already butthurt. we didnt even play intelligence yet
You are such a renegade wayn3!

a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
"an agent who later turns out to be a renegade"
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer; rebel, mutineer; quisling,

For the intellectually challenged. They somehow fear the concept of people like me. Are you really scared of someone mocking you? Youre stupid. Thats all there is to it. Not like im going to order napalm strikes on you. That might be reasonable, but I cant be bothered to acquire a position from which that would be possible.
i didn't misinterpret/confuse shit except for when you said something about the eu.. at first -- that's all. as far as me understanding how and why things work, that is not up for debate.

and how do you know he/she doesn't know? who are you, GOD? a fuckin' mindreader? STFU.

how to be a waste of air *cough* wayn3 *cough*

1. observe elements in a post you can go off on, take the subject matter out of context, then quickly insult on a personal level.
2. insert pretentious argument about how better you are.
3. make sure it looks like you're not trying while you're at it.
4. stay miserable?
i didn't misinterpret/confuse shit except for when you said something about the eu.. at first -- that's all. as far as me understanding how and why things work, that is not up for debate.

how to be a waste of air *cough* wayn3 *cough*

1. observe elements in a post you can go off on, take the subject matter out of context, then quickly insult on a personal level.
2. insert pretentious argument about how better you are.
3. make sure it looks like you're not trying while you're at it.
4. stay miserable?

youre pulling a lukep
[ame=]Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Future of Money - Peter Schiff Debates Stefan Molyneux - YouTube[/ame]
Bitcoin still needs better security somehow though, or else it'll never go mainstream. Your average merchant isn't going to screw around with SSH keys, IP restrictions, authentication via unconventional methods, encrypting e-mails via PGP, complex and constantly changing password generation schemes, and so on.

Most people just want to open a quick Gmail account, grab an account at Hostgator, throw up Wordpress, and start selling.
we made it to page 7 on this topic?

if this gets to page 10 before midnight, I will out what SpamWow really was. you got 6 hours.
Schiff is such a tool.

Right now I'm convinced only two kinds of people believe in the fairy tale of "Intrinsic value."

1. Brainwashed peons that the state taught this to on purpose.

2. Gold salesmen.

At least the first group isn't trying to be ignorant on purpose.

Which group does your guy Ron fit into?

"Investors seek the intrinsic value of gold to protect themselves from inflation." - Ron Paul

I will out what SpamWow really was.



I raise you:


That escalated quickly..

:) I'd totally do them.... both...