Luke's 7k Post: A baller's bitcoin biz plan

hes invoked hitler. i just like the thread getting derailed more and more. you whined about some shit happening to yugoslavia which is pretty much the same thing as far as i am concerned.

It's fucking painful posting here. It's painful, because I have to read some of the most mentally retarded stuff anywhere on the internet.

He's not right at all. What he said is demonstrably, empirically and logically false.

It's mind boggling (and it shouldn't be, because I know you're an idiot) that you don't understand this.

From where do you summon the minimum intelligence to not piss your pants constantly, or remember to breathe during the day?

Can we agree that Germany invading Poland is a bad thing?

Can we also agree that there's no chance of Germany invading Poland anytime in the future? If so, why? Right, globalization and the formation of the EU.
Can we agree that Germany invading Poland is a bad thing?

Can we also agree that there's no chance of Germany invading Poland anytime in the future? If so, why? Right, globalization and the formation of the EU.

yea, the EU. not the United nations. totally about the EU. lets even consider poland being important, economically. invading poland made zero sense to begin with and if it wasnt for some psychotic retard, it would have never happened. psychotic retards dont give much of a shit about the EU. put hitler at the top, he invades poland again. maybe not, but the EU wont be the reason

why even argue? youve already acknowledged you just love being taxed in exchange for an illusion of "safety". just accept your beliefs. dont try to make them more reasonable than they are.
what the fuck is happening in here?

did somebody argue that the existence of a union between sovereign nations/states serves as a bulwark against aggression?

because afaik, that's 100% true.



I love you too. :)

I actually know a really cute, little Italian restaurant in town. Can I take you out for dinner sometime?

It's a great place. Owner is about 55, Italian guy, brought his mom over and everything. He makes the pasta fresh every day, and it's absolutely delicious!
Post hoc ergo propter hoc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Post hoc ergo propter hoc, Latin for "after this, therefore because of this", is a logical fallacy (of the questionable cause variety) that states "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened to simply post hoc. It is subtly different from the fallacy cum hoc ergo propter hoc, in which two things or events occur simultaneously or the chronological ordering is insignificant or unknown, also referred to as false cause, coincidental correlation, or correlation not causation.

Holy cow what sort of special ed mongoloid does someone who has been on this forum for over a year have to be, to not be able to distinguish between correlation and causation?
yeah, because human nature goes hand in hand with logical theory.

Social sciences are in general theories, because its so hard to account for human nature. So human nature would go hand in hand with logical theory, whatever that means.
Luke did it again. Please send this thread to enlightened so it can Rest in Peace
It's fucking painful posting here. It's painful, because I have to read some of the most mentally retarded stuff anywhere on the internet.

The worst part is that many folks here opine relentlessly on matters they are ignorant about. You could literally spend all day demonstrating the foolishness of their posts to no avail. They will remain unabashedly proud in their ignorance. Antagonistic even.

Occasionally, I'll read posts by guys like Kiopa_Matt just to see them fail. It is like watching someone trip over their own two feet. Kinda sad, but kinda funny as long as they don't hurt themselves.

Fallacious remarks warrant a response. But some people are so relentless in making them that it's like listening to a mentally-retarded child insist over and over that 2 + 2 equal 47 and a potato.

At some point, you have to say, "Sounds good, kid." and walk away. :)
no he's saying that he can literally predict the future of europe based on a shitty logical differentiation. it is far more complex, more variables at play, and no definite indicator other than history and our current situation.

that underlying fear of war happening again is what lead to the creation of the european union, more so than the need to rebuild. after Ww1 they thought there was no way they'd see destruction like that ever again, hence things continued the way they were before. and guess what? it happened again.

break away the union and europeans will be at eachothers throats in a year, merely because of that "i'm better than everyone else" attitude eurofags like wayn3 are characterized by.
The worst part is that many folks here opine relentlessly on matters they are ignorant about. You could literally spend all day demonstrating the foolishness of their posts to no avail. They will remain unabashedly proud in their ignorance. Antagonistic even.

Occasionally, I'll read posts by guys like Kiopa_Matt just to see them fail. It is like watching someone trip over their own two feet. Kinda sad, but kinda funny as long as they don't hurt themselves.

Fallacious remarks warrant a response. But some people are so relentless in making them that it's like listening to a mentally-retarded child insist over and over that 2 + 2 equal 47 and a potato.

At some point, you have to say, "Sounds good, kid." and walk away. :)

Oh, fuck off.

How about instead of explaining to me how intelligent you guys are, you explain to me how Germany invading Poland again will never happen due to globalization and the EU, and how that's a bad thing?

So the current questions are:

1.) Is there any danger of Germany invading Poland in the future?

2.) If not, why not?

3.) Are the reasons given in #2 beneficial or detrimental to humanity as a whole?
^^ Matt just stop.

Your not going to get the answers you want here. Wickedfire is incapable of that.

All you are going to get is run around.
Correct, in the near future there is no real threat of Germany invading Poland.

Just as there was no threat of Germany invading Italy in 1937 or any other Axis countries.

But then again, Stalin thought there was no chance of Hitler invading since they had the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.
Oh, fuck off.

How about instead of explaining to me how intelligent you guys are, you explain to me how Germany invading Poland again will never happen due to globalization and the EU, and how that's a bad thing?

So the current questions are:

1.) Is there any danger of Germany invading Poland in the future?

2.) If not, why not?

3.) Are the reasons given in #2 beneficial or detrimental to humanity as a whole?

Put something in your sig at-least. Might as well make some extra money while wasting your life away in circle jerks
Fallacious remarks warrant a response. But some people are so relentless in making them that it's like listening to a mentally-retarded child insist over and over that 2 + 2 equal 47 and a potato.

At some point, you have to say, "Sounds good, kid." and walk away. :)

"Sounds good, kid" sounds like the best way to handle Lukep since he instantly rejects anything that doesn't confirm his bias.
Correct, in the near future there is no real threat of Germany invading Poland.

Just as there was no threat of Germany invading Italy in 1937 or any other Axis countries.

But then again, Stalin thought there was no chance of Hitler invading since they had the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

The world is just a tad different now than it was back in 1937. Hell, we're probably a good 12,000kms away, and we're firing off communications in seconds to each other. In 1937, that used to take months.

Germany invading Poland is about the same as the US invading Canada. Why would you ever do that? To destroy your own economy, and disrupt your own supply lines?

It's the same reason as why you'll never see the US and China go to war, because it'd be like going to war with yourself. It's an impossibility, and that's due to globalization.

And that trend is going to continue until it encompasses the globe, and we have world peace (or make ourselves extinct in the process). So shut the fuck up, and be peaceful, motherfucker. :) (j/k on that last one)