Social Media Likes, Gplus, fb likes, pintrest, youtube views and Google page 1 V17

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I've just had an order completed for Youtube views.

There was an error made initially in the delivery of the job which Diablo acknowledged and quickly corrected. I was compensated with overdelivery as a result.
Diablo offered clear communication throughout the job and overall I was happy with the service provided.

Thanks very much.

Thanks sir

Open for more orders.

Just ordered D :-)

Thanks for repeat Order :)

All current work are in progress smoothly. Few manual order confirmation is pending. when you place a order auto confirmation email are sent to y you.

Taking only 9 new orders and then will stop the accepting new orders until further notice. (Due to very high number of bulk and normal orders in hand after completion of old orders will start taking new orders once i stop accepting new orders, 9 spots available for now)
New three order are got.

Taking only 6 new orders and then will stop the accepting new orders until further notice. (Due to very high number of bulk and normal orders in hand after completion of old orders will start taking new orders once i stop accepting new orders, 6 spots available for now)
Only few spot available until i stop taking orders.
Working on all current small and bulk orders. will send reports in 3 days for lots of orders.
Very bulk orders in hand right now.
If any one not got their work, please contact me on skype or PM me.
will do your work fast.

Dont worry about your work, if i not confirmed order manually for few recent orders. your work is completed in time.
TAT is 15 days
Working on on old bulk projects.

Due to heavy demand of service i will continue taking orders. JUST FOR NEW ORDERS TAT is 15 DAYS

if order is bulk your TAT may vary upto 45 to 60 days and for small orders it comes down to 3 days

All new orders welcome

For any update on your order status just ping me on skype any time
Diablo9975 delivers fast and always overdelivers. He's one of the best providers for Likes, Fans, etc. I'd never work with anyone else.
Just sent out 5 more reports :)

will working on all current old orders, TAT is 15 days. if any one not got manual order confirmation dont worry, your work is started in 24 to 72 hours, and after completion you will get reports of initial and end counts etc.

bulk work and now got few custom subscriptions orders.
If you need any custom plans just PM me your needs we will work on a good deal for you.

All new orders welcome
Tried out a good mix of a lot of the social stuff and was not disappointed.

My order was a bit complicated and I had some questions, so I chatted with OP a bit. Communication was good, he was helpful, easy to work with and more than willing to accommodate.

I got a bit of over-delivery and the results look good and are sticking. OP also took the liberty of checking the URL's I sent and fixing a couple that were typos/wrong format.

Great Service. Recommended.
Tried out a good mix of a lot of the social stuff and was not disappointed.

My order was a bit complicated and I had some questions, so I chatted with OP a bit. Communication was good, he was helpful, easy to work with and more than willing to accommodate.

I got a bit of over-delivery and the results look good and are sticking. OP also took the liberty of checking the URL's I sent and fixing a couple that were typos/wrong format.

Great Service. Recommended.

thanks sir :)

Open for new orders, will sending few more reports in 48 hours
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