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Oct 21, 2011
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When it comes to SEO, you need to realise that spamming is not going to work. You need to be unique. You don't gain results by directing Scrapebox blasts to your money site. Bookmarks, Wikis, Web 2.0's.. sure, they work. But you need to do something your competitors don't. You need to be unique. You need to stand out from the rest. That's where our Weebly - Wikia Interlinking comes into play. Innovation at it's best.

We have been doing this service for over 6 months now. You may notice that in our old threads we used to offer Weebly - Wikia Interlinking, but after another months testing and research, we found out that by replacing Wikia with Tumblr, you are at a higher chance of gaining positive SERP gains.

More features? Well, here they are:

Weebly and Tumblr are both very high PR Web 2.0 properties. Being PR 8 each, you will get a nice amount of juice from them.

All our work is done manually by our staff. No use of software. All white hat. Guaranteed.

Our turnaround time is roughly 7-10 days but you will most likely get your report much faster. Because these are just Web 2.0 Interlinking, you will most likely get a plain .TXT file. We don't believe in pretty looking reports. We believe in high quality results.

This has been proven to work for tons of keywords regardless of competition. We managed to bring a website with a CI of 50+ to page 1 within 3 weeks using this very service.

What more.. you get full customer support. We refund you if you have a legitimate reason. However, if you want a refund before we start your order, we will do that for free. No hidden costs.

So what are you waiting for? Stop ordering Wikis, Bookmarks and other mostly used services. Try our unique service now and experience a real change in your SERPs.

Package Details:

(These prices are much cheaper than before. You used to get 10 Interlinking Properties for $50, but now it is much cheaper. Take advantage of this price now!)

Package 1:

20 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1 Keyword
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce

Price = $50

Package 2:

40 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1 Keyword
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce X2

Price = $79


50 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1-2 Keywords
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce X5

Price = $109


100 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1-2 Keywords
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce X10

Price = $199

Package 5: (For EXTREMELY hard Keywords)

200 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1-2 Keywords
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce X20


Package 6:

500 Weebly - Tumblr Interlinking Properties
Targets 1-3 Keywords
Full Submission to Linklicious Pro
Comes with Secret Sauce X25

Price = $499


Is this safe?

Completely and 100% safe. We tested Package 4 on a website with just about CI 59. We took it to first page within a few weeks. We even managed to move a "payday loans" keyword into the top 10 with Package 6. We only advice you go for Package 6, if you have a hard ass keyword.

What's the secret sauce?

Well, it's secret but we guarantee it is 100% manual. It varies. It could be 1000 bookmarks, 2000 bookmarks, 1000 Wikis, 5000 Wikis, but whatever it is, we make sure that it matches the package you get. We do not want to hurt your rankings by giving you too much.


You will get your reports in a plain .TXT file. This means everyone can open them and like I said, we don't care about pretty reports but we sure do care about 100% quality and positive results.

My Keyword is not easy, nor is it hard.. what package shall I go for?

Package 3. This package, from our research and testing works for mid range keywords. If you have an easy keyword, go with Package 2. If your keyword is under 10 CI, which is quite rare, go with Package 1. However, Package 3 is the right choice.

There are other services on this forum with Wikis, Bookmarks, Profiles and all for a cheaper price..

Yeah, there are. But take in mind that this service is unique. I guarantee you that major SEO companies are not doing this. It is because this works but no one knows about it. It's a rare find and trust me, results are better when you see them rather them me talking about it. Reviews are posted below so check them out! Also remember, our Secret Sauce may contain Wikis and Bookmarks itself, so at the end of the day, you will be getting a cheap price! However, you only get reports for the Interlinking Properties.​


To order, PM me or comment below and I will PM you. Let me know which Package you are interested in and I will send you payment details.

I will then need your URL, KEYWORD(S) and EMAIL ADDRESS (For Report)


We know you don't always take our word for it. So here are some of the reviews from previous threads.

Received quality report, all links found!



Communication: Leith is sharp and there was no communication issues with this guy. He verified my info and was completely on top of it!

Process: Really nothing to it, after I gave him my info he went to it. Turn around time was about 48hrs and the report was clean. The Weebly's are just beautiful properties with the keyword in the URL and 4 relevant pictures each, and they are interlinked with high PR EDU profile links with the lowest PR of PR-4. This is a potent little package.

Results: I tested this on a mid competition EM that I had sitting in the #8 position and was kinda stalled there for a few weeks. Now the good part, I'm in the #1 position and in 48hrs to boot. Not to mention I'm in #1 & #2 for a few other variations of my main term and all my links are not even indexed yet.

This is a killer little package and this guy is going to be really busy with results like this. This package will pay for itself in just a couple of days. With ranking skills like this I'm surprised he's offering his method in the forum.

So would I recommend this service? Hell yes! Price point, well what's #1 worth to me in 48hrs? More than he's charging that's for sure.

This is a worthy 5/5

Thanks Leith

P.S. I need to place an order as soon as your Q opens up!

He's 2 for 2 so far, don't have my report yet but my second site just jumped up to position #2. I'm digging this service so far that's for sure!

Well, he did it again. I'm in the #2 position on this project and just got the report today. Still in #1 on the previous job so that's 2 for 2. Granted both of the terms were already in position #8 but this was a really big jump from basically nothing to profitable.

Placing another order today!

Thank You

Excellent work, I appreciate it sir!

BTW, my term is ranked number 1 on the big G. Not a ton of competition, but a very important term for me. Thanks Leith, you rock buddy!

Went from #4 to # 2. great service. I wish he had the $35 package deal again.

Just got my report. Everything is fine and as advertised. As for SERP, I went up 2 spot for a kw with an SerpIQ of 22 so I should see more movement in the coming days. I will report any additional movement.

Cool, just got my report and it looks good.
Will monitor my rankings for the kws . Should do really well.
Is the secret sauce :rolleyes: to the properties you make or to the money site?

They will be to the properties we make. We don't want to overpower links to the money site. However, once we put the secret sauce to the properties we make, those properties itself will be much more powerful. Any other questions, hit me up.
what scheme do you use for interlinking, is it random, pyramid, tiered or something else?

what scheme do you use for interlinking, is it random, pyramid, tiered or something else?


Our Interlinking has been 100% proven to work. You may check our previous 2 threads for tons of positive reviews.

We use a simply Interlinking strategy. For e.g.:

Weebly 1 > Tumblr 1 > Weebly 2 > Tumblr 2 and so on.

And then we build huge Secret sauce properties (which is a mix from anything - blog posts, wikis, bookmarks) to the properties we made, thus, giving the properties much more juice which will give you a bigger SERP push.
Our Interlinking has been 100% proven to work. You may check our previous 2 threads for tons of positive reviews.

We use a simply Interlinking strategy. For e.g.:

Weebly 1 > Tumblr 1 > Weebly 2 > Tumblr 2 and so on.

And then we build huge Secret sauce properties (which is a mix from anything - blog posts, wikis, bookmarks) to the properties we made, thus, giving the properties much more juice which will give you a bigger SERP push.

so it is a full, entirely un-randomized wheel?

I'm curious about the linking strategy. PM me if you could please. :)

After that I have a test site in mind that I'm likely to place the order against.



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