CL ads keep getting flagged trying redirects?


Aug 19, 2011
CL posts keep getting flagged or ghosted, i post original content for each - manually (i know its stoneage but has been effective) , i post different images in each ad, titles are no spammy.. so wth?

thought about using this service called linkmajik`d`o`t`c`o`m

anyone used it?

That's the problem with pollocks trying to spend pesos in america.. all money looks the same to them .. btw this -> ' is what an apostrophe looks like smartass :) have a nice day.
That's the problem with pollocks trying to spend pesos in america.. all money looks the same to them .. btw this -> ' is what an apostrophe looks like smartass :) have a nice day.

Hey dumbass, if you insist on coming around here shilling for your service like you don't actually own it, at least be smart enough to pick a user name that isn't plastered all over your site.


And on a side note: lol @ somebody picking the username "proimage" having broken images on his site, I dig the irony.
No need to take offense to the fact that your smartass remark highlighted the fact that your use of punctuation is obviously in lack of an upgrade.. However, the fact that you felt it important enough to warrant a screenshot and 10 minutes of your time flatters me. There isn't a broken link on my site which isn't intentional jerkoff.. think about that?

Besides my mission is accomplished, you visited the site. Which is exactly what i wanted you to do.

Now as far as being a dumbass, think about this.. most people come-off pretending to be exactly what you see them as. And we do it for a reason. Ponder that, but don't hurt yourself.

Next thing, try being a little nicer to people from the get-go and you wont have to waste so much time stroking yourself and thinking of ways to belittle people. Have a nice fucking day jerkoff, i knew i'd get under at least ONE assholes skin today, and i should be fishing because they're biting pretty fast today.
No need to take offense to the fact that your smartass remark highlighted the fact that your use of punctuation is obviously in lack of an upgrade.

That sentence doesn't make any sense.

There isn't a broken link on my site which isn't intentional jerkoff.. think about that?

Seeing as how you fixed them after I pointed it out, it wasn't intentional, nice try at pretending it's not amateur hour in your neck of the woods though.

Besides my mission is accomplished, you visited the site. Which is exactly what i wanted you to do.

Business 101, mission accomplished would have been me buying instead of just visiting.

Next thing, try being a little nicer to people from the get-go and you wont have to waste so much time stroking yourself and thinking of ways to belittle people.

I'm very cordial to people that aren't attempting to deceive me, like you did by pretending you weren't the owner of the service. Shills can fuck off.

Have a nice fucking day jerkoff

Kisses. Welcome to wickedfire. and i bet you're but ass-naked under there too aren't you?
Think about what I said, and that browser showing broken images - yeah it you need to update that, there's a new version out.

^5 Justo.. its a godo day for you, a teabag with a topping of dirty sanchez. I'll see ya around.. i don't hate :)
@Bofu2U & justo_tx: Sweet job catching this shady fuck. I'm no Miss Cleo, but I see a ban in this douchebag's future. Like you said justo - Who gives a fuck about visits if they don't convert? I can't think of a better way to establish credibility and trust than misleading someone out of the gate. Lame...
Wow.. the name-calling game (douchebag, dumbass) let's see what else i can get called because i drew some attention to the site. Actually my manners were quite nice until i was called all sorts of obscenities by some 8th grade flunk-out who obviously has nothing better to do than try and belittle other people.

True, advertisers do love them some CL traffic, and i was able to generate traffic to my site with a single post be it whether I was deceptive about it or not, is besides the point. Advertisers lie to you and me everyday but do we go off calling them names and dumbasses because they do it? fuck no, we buy their shit anyway. Further, i'd say about 85% of the members on this site, if they have a site, have used an unconventional way of getting traffic to their site. Oh wait people who charge you for that call it viral marketing and ask you to hand out your CC to make it happen.
What i'm saying is this, whether a visitor converts or not on the first day is not my concern. My concern was the exposure. Plain and simple. It worked, i got it... the onyl down side was getting into a pissing contest with someone who im quite certain has a problem picking their battles, and inserting their foot into their mouth because they're pissed that mommy found playboy under is mattress and he's 28 yrs old. Welcome to Wickedfire my ass, if I can expect insults and name calling as the norm. then I don't fucking care., i'll go back to using my other handle here and watch you same fuckers talk nice to my face. Cheers?
You are stupid as fuck, quit posting, your views are laughable.. i half think your like 14, or is english not your native language? either way fuck off, it didn't work, your not making any sales here today, just looking like a faggot
and you can hide behind that computer and talk mad shit can't you. Go fuck yourself and stay out of other people's business. If I knew you were close I could show you first hand how to get fucked, and fuck yourself. Was faggot really the best thing you could come up with? Don't share with us your drunken father's nickname for his favorite sissyboy. Grow the fuck up, get outta your parent's basement, take that Ricky Martin poster off your wall, wipe the babyfood off of your chin with it, shave your head and move to a monastery so other people aren't molested with that childish bullshit spewing from your mouth.
Thanks, would you like a lollipop before leaving my office today?

The level just keeps rising around here. No shortage people helping me to laugh.