Free Review Copies and affordable rates for Top Manual Social Bookmarking Service

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just resent the payment to your new paypal add. transaction id 8SR96609KS4586730. let me know if there's any issue. thanx

Thanks for understanding.

We will check and will send you a confirmation email containing

  1. Your assignment number
  2. Expected date of delivery.

Hi, placed an order for Top 60, for 6 sites.
(Unique Transaction ID # 6R451995PA116934R)

Look forward to your report.

Thanks for your business !!

We will check and will send you a confirmation email containing

  1. Your assignment number
  2. Expected date of delivery.
What was the turn around time for all this package?



  • Wickedfire Single Star Package - Top 20 SB
  • Special price - Only $1.50

  • Wickedfire Double Star Package - Top 40 SB
  • Special Price - Only $3.00

  • Our Hot Cake Package
  • Wickedfire Triple Star Package - Top 60 SB
  • Special Price - Only $5.00

  • Wickedfire Five Star Package - 100 SB
  • Special Price - Only $9.00
(Health, Medicine, Dating, Porn, Casino, Poker have different rates, PM us for price)
What was the turn around time for all this package?

Our turnaround time is 3 - 5 days and also depends on the volume of yours.

For example if you will place the order of 100 x 20 than turnaround will be max 6 days.

just got my 60 sb links reports. very happy with the links and the turnaround time. links are a good mix of pr1-pr7 sites. will order again soon. thanx :)

Glad that you like the quality of our service.

There is nothing better than having a satisfied client.
Hey, I'm in demand for some free bookmarks!


Sure you can, we will send you link of a form where you can submit your details.

hi there have sent payment and sent email

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 36V82161N22822018)

We will check payment and within 24 hours we will send you a confirmation email containing -

  • Assignment Number
  • Expected Date of Delivery
Ordering another package from him - this makes a 3x repeat buyer for 13+ websites. Great communication, prices, and speed. If you are not using this guy, you are crazy.
Lalit, got your email and asking for the 4MD. - PM how to get please

We send you details through PM, kindly check.

Ordering another package from him - this makes a 3x repeat buyer for 13+ websites. Great communication, prices, and speed. If you are not using this guy, you are crazy.

Thank you very much for such a nice and encouraging words.

Great and encouraging words always work like as fuel for us.
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