[DAILY JOURNAL] - Going Full-Time

Wow exsuit, this is fantastic. I really like your business plan idea. I now realize that I have just been farting about online with no real since of purpose - I gotta get my plan together.
Looking good. Very motivating. Keep on grinding.


Keep it up and let that snowball get bigger!

Thats the idea!

Wow exsuit, this is fantastic. I really like your business plan idea. I now realize that I have just been farting about online with no real since of purpose - I gotta get my plan together.

Ha - that's where I was for years. I now have a plan and sticking to it until I make it work!
Am thinking about trying to use one of the free domain drop services to pick up a dozen or 2 dozen domains to try and get some existing age/PR/backlinks and then picking up some SEO hosting to build out this network. I would then install a variety of scripts across the domains (article directories, link directories, wp autoblogs, etc) so that they start growing their own content. I think having this backbone setup early on will help me advance my money sites faster in the SERP's.

Does anyone have any recommendations for doing this on the cheap? (To get an idea of my definition of "cheap", I'm still trying to keep my costs under my income so that I use my business to grow and finance itself. ie. I have a couple hundred dollars to spend.).

Anyone have any suggestions on this?

May 19
Picked up some more backlink building work. Man this stuff is boring and repetitive! But it brings in the money right now! Hoping to get back to promoting my own niche sites this weekend

May 19 Income Summary
SEO work - $90.00
AdSense - $0.45
Affiliate earnings - $0.00
Total - $90.45
Hi exsuit, great sharing.

This is my first post in WF. I'm new in online marketing business and I have done about 20 domains without doing any niche,keyword and traffic studies. Of course the traffic is slow and the only income is generating from text-link-ads. I am looking for other better way generating more cash flow from the Internet as the little income from TLA can't make me survive. Could you share with me on how to start the SEO work that mentioned above as I willing to spend my time on the boring and repeating job.

I hv another blog which talking about IT gadget news and tips that generating 12k+ visitor/month (visitor's number keep increasing). It's generating few dollar only from adsense /day. Do you have any idea to improve the income ? Senior or expert's advice from WF is appreciate.
Anyone have any suggestions on this?

I read somewhere that if you pickup expiring domains with existing back links and simply setup 301 redirects that the link juice would pass on to your site. I don't know, but maybe some more experience SEO guys could confirm this??
Stay strong! Love the updates too. Keep going.


Hi exsuit, great sharing.

This is my first post in WF. I'm new in online marketing business and I have done about 20 domains without doing any niche,keyword and traffic studies. Of course the traffic is slow and the only income is generating from text-link-ads. I am looking for other better way generating more cash flow from the Internet as the little income from TLA can't make me survive. Could you share with me on how to start the SEO work that mentioned above as I willing to spend my time on the boring and repeating job.

I hv another blog which talking about IT gadget news and tips that generating 12k+ visitor/month (visitor's number keep increasing). It's generating few dollar only from adsense /day. Do you have any idea to improve the income ? Senior or expert's advice from WF is appreciate.

Have you tried changing the ad positions? (you can use heatmaps to try and identify "hotzones" where users will more likely notice ads. Also consider what is being advertised by adsense advertisers - maybe there is a possibility to swap adsense for an affiliate product?

Anyone have any suggestions on this?

I read somewhere that if you pickup expiring domains with existing back links and simply setup 301 redirects that the link juice would pass on to your site. I don't know, but maybe some more experience SEO guys could confirm this??

May 20-25

Niche sites - Backlink building
Spent the last couple days working on getting my own sites up in the rankings. I submitted some spun articles to a bunch of high PR article directories, and plan to resubmit to a couple hundred directories afterward with the resource text box linking back to the high PR articles.

Was able to get through all 20 sites, but on the last day I noticed traffic dropped completely from my network of sites. I'm assuming this is part of the google dance since the sites are new (I doubt they would be "sandboxed" as I did not do any heavy link building directly to the sites).

While these sites do the "google dance" I am thinking about picking up another 15 domains and developing them. Would be great to always have some new sites in the pipe, the only problem is I havnt found a "formula" that works for me yet, so not really wise to "rinse and repeat" if the result is a fail!

To combat this I think I will simply try another strategy for my next batch of sites so I can compare against my first batch.

Really hoping the first batch of sites picks up in traffic/revenue next month

SEO - Backlink Business
- starting to see some amazing results for some of the work I have done for clients, not only am I improving the ranking of their site, I am also getting web2.0's/articles ranking in the top10, pushing out the competitors. Hoping this work slows down soon so I can start focusing more efforts on building my own properties!

May 20-May26 Income Summary
AdSense $0.73
Affiliate Income $0.00
Backlink services $105

For the experienced guys throwing up niche sites (adsense/CPA/amazon/EPN, etc) - how long does it usually take you to make them producers?
Amazing thread mate. It is really inspiring to see someone give it their all whom are just starting out. Well not technically starting out since you have been lurking for a few years but I still consider it just starting because all the theory in the world wont help if you can't apply it.

I think probably the best aspect of this is you actually outlining what you are doing what you hope to achieve and how much work you are actually putting into this. Once you make a decent income and turn this into a book I think it would help if you included those Excel sheets you talked about before. Just to give the reader a solid view of all the planning you put into this.

Keep it up mate!
Anyone have any suggestions on this?

I read somewhere that if you pickup expiring domains with existing back links and simply setup 301 redirects that the link juice would pass on to your site. I don't know, but maybe some more experience SEO guys could confirm this??

I haven't tried this myself but this article covers the use of recently expired, aged domains. Not using 301 redirects but putting some content on there to get powerful backlinks to a money site.

For the experienced guys throwing up niche sites (adsense/CPA/amazon/EPN, etc) - how long does it usually take you to make them producers?

It depends on several factors. If you did your initial market research, keyword research and competition research properly, then just keep building.
May 27-May 29
Picked up another 13 domains over the past couple of days. Instead of using the same method for choosing my niches I went onto Flippa.com and just searched "exact match" and sorted by lowest to highest bid.


What I was left with was a list of niche websites, generally the listings already included month searches and estimated CPC. I took the domains, headed over to namecheap to see if another TLD exact match was available. Using this method, picked up 13 exact match domains with my research already done!

Most of these sites are actual phsyical product sites, so will likely be looking for a way to develop these into Amazon stores and trying to start driving amazon comissions!

Also spent time submitting articles for my original batch of sites into article directories. Just as I finished the last site, my traffic dropped from about 150UV/day down to 10UV/day (across the network of sites).....hopin this is temporary and that my link building pulls the traffic back up (sooner then later!)

May 27-May 29 Income Summary

AdSense $1.16
Affiliate Sales $0.00
Backlink Services $60
Hey man - great to see you're still powering on.

Your "flippa" technique is awesome - nice work. Keen to hear how you approach setting them up as Amazon stores.
Great journal man, real inspiring.

I noticed in one of your forced posts you mentioned you were building multiple sites as sub-domains to one main domain?

Did you do that? Did it work out? I tried doing that for local seo but [keyword].[mydomain].com never seemed to be able to beat [keyword].com/.net/.org.uk etc. even when the sites I was competing against had virtually no SEO work done on them.

I figured Google must hate multiple subdomains.

Hey man - great to see you're still powering on.

Your "flippa" technique is awesome - nice work. Keen to hear how you approach setting them up as Amazon stores.

Thanks - I'm still trying to figure out what the best plugin to use to setup quick amazon stores is....currently looking at WP Zon Buuilder for this.

Great journal man, real inspiring.

I noticed in one of your forced posts you mentioned you were building multiple sites as sub-domains to one main domain?

Did you do that? Did it work out? I tried doing that for local seo but [keyword].[mydomain].com never seemed to be able to beat [keyword].com/.net/.org.uk etc. even when the sites I was competing against had virtually no SEO work done on them.

I figured Google must hate multiple subdomains.


In my first batch of sites, I bought 11 domains, 1 of them I setup WP Multi-site using subdomains. The subdomains were very quick to get picked up and ranked. Subsequently traffic dropped and now the TLD domains are doing much better. I don't think I will creating any more sites on subdomains.
Second Month down! Time flies when you're having fun! Lifestyle has gone through the roof (health and happyness anyways!), I imagine another couple months and the wealth part will start to follow!

As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread it's more meaningful to look at my progress on a month by month basis. Still not at a full.time income yet, but after looking at my month over month stats, I can see that I'm moving in the right direction.

AdSense obviously didn't move in the right direction, but I made up for it with some affiliate comission.

This month I will be really focussed on getting all 33 of my niche sites ranking for their targetted keyword, so will hopefully see the AdSense and Affiliate income increase by the end of June for my next month comparison.
best plugin to use to setup quick amazon stores is....currently looking at WP Zon Buuilder for this.

I picked WP zon builder up a few months ago. Easy to use, and versatile too. Compatible with all in one seo plugin as well. Once its set up you just search for keywords, select the items to post from the returned results, add your keyword tags etc and bam!

You can even post as pages too instead of posts if you want to go a permanent route. The extra features like on site shopping cart and featured item widgets are awesome too. More than worth the $30.

Nice journal. Reads like mine - except I haven't shared any of mine yet lol. Keep your head up bro~
I picked WP zon builder up a few months ago. Easy to use, and versatile too. Compatible with all in one seo plugin as well. Once its set up you just search for keywords, select the items to post from the returned results, add your keyword tags etc and bam!

You can even post as pages too instead of posts if you want to go a permanent route. The extra features like on site shopping cart and featured item widgets are awesome too. More than worth the $30.

Nice journal. Reads like mine - except I haven't shared any of mine yet lol. Keep your head up bro~

Thanks for the feedback on Zon Builder. Where did you get it for $30?? (I'm seeing it's $99 AFTER a $30 discount). I see 33% off coupons when searching google, but definately havnt seen it for just $30.
Great thread exsuit. Couple of quick questions. Do you have 20 seperate domains, or, are you doing as subdomains. Also, hosting wise, are you using shared accounts for each, or do you have a dedicated service someplace? Also, are they mostly WP?
Why so many sites ? Better create like 5 but all that 2500+ visitors brought you like mmm....$250 ? Simply they all splited between 33 sites and each one get what in average ? like 70 visits a month ? You got lucky and made 1-3 sales from some sites...