Zwinky Tricks? Promoting to Myspace//Facebook Niche 1Mil-Hits//Month

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The way I've seen Zwinky promoted is with a picture of a person and then a good cartoon version of that person. They say something like "turn yourself into a cartoon". The misleading part is that the zwinky toon looks nothing like the professional toon portrait in the banner.

yayuh nigga

What kind of offers do pedophiles and Lolita types respond to cause that's what your audience looks like.
teen chat. push that shit to a dating offer. put a big h1 text right in the middle of the page: "Chat with teens now!". just be sure to cloak the kwd with prosper or do a double meta refresh. ;)
Forget webfetti... there are a few big players tearing up the niche at the moment, so chances are you'll piss away a lot of $ trying to outbid if you go after CPC. Seeing tons of 'cartoon yourself' ads currently, so maybe something along those lines?
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