Zwinky Tricks? Promoting to Myspace//Facebook Niche 1Mil-Hits//Month

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Global Inventory - CPM
Oct 10, 2008
Las Vegas
Howdy Fam,

I have 2x whitehat websites pulling in 100% organic traffic mostly via google, 90% US. I am receiving about 900K pageviews collectively between the 2 sites monthly. I was recently accepted by Neverblue, PepperJam, and EWA private affiliates. The demographic is mostly teens 12-17, and middle age 35-49 myspace facebook users. The niche is related to myspace and facebook and we can assume that all my visitors have an account. I have been testing offers all the way from Acai, to Diet, Dating, Zwinky, Webfetti, Digsby IM, Zango Videos, and Ringtones. The only clicks have been coming through Zwinky, Webfetti, Digsby (multi-IM client), and Screensavers. I am getting pretty much no conversions on these clicks though so far.

I have heard people say they know some tricks to promoting Zwinky through slightly misleading banners? Anyone have any ideas for pushing these types of offers to a myspace//facebook demographic. Since my traffic is all SEO and legitimate I may have a little room to breath trying some not so ethical techniques. Thanks in advance guys.

I think espin could do well, I doubt you will say in the open but knowing the exact sites. Would help understand what you can target.

If you are 100% White Hat, I would say some adsense also. Mix it all up,
Sorry, can't share the exact sites.
I used adsense and it was only delivering about 10-13$ /day. I was hoping I could hit much more than that with some targetted CPA. I have a CPALead gateway on some "premium" content which is pulling in roughly 80-100$/day.

PS. If you have an idea, you can post it in the thread. I've already gotten about 10 PM's on different sites claiming to have "a fool proof way to make thousands a day off your site" and seem to involve them profiting or me giving up information before I get "super secr3tz"
Feel free to aim ( smaxblog ) me, I can give you a run down on conversions by demo's based on Social type traffic.
I pushed the top converting IQ offer with some great banners for my demographic like "Are boys smarter than girls??" and got no action at all on them which was suprising... I have not tried crush offers, do you know of any specific ones on Neverblue or Pepperjam?
It would be great if someone had some tricks to pushing zwinky, webfetti, etc. I have tried several methods with only break-even or negative results (basically direct linking and creating a landing page). Neverblue assures me webfetti is a top earner but I moved on a few months ago when i couldn't figure out any tricks.
"Are boys smarter than girls?" is pretty weak copy. You may want to try banner ads with "How many triangles??" or "Hannah Montana's IQ = 67. Are you smarter?"

Depending on your demo breakdown, you may also want to try Gamevance (Azoogle) which is PPI or other mobile offers (YepRevenue is good for mobile).

I pushed the top converting IQ offer with some great banners for my demographic like "Are boys smarter than girls??" and got no action at all on them which was suprising... I have not tried crush offers, do you know of any specific ones on Neverblue or Pepperjam?
Your profile is boring/Your profile is naked works pretty well for Webfetti.

Hydra has a pretty good converting crush offer.
What kind of offers do pedophiles and Lolita types respond to cause that's what your audience looks like.

My thoughts exactly.

The way I've seen Zwinky promoted is with a picture of a person and then a good cartoon version of that person. They say something like "turn yourself into a cartoon". The misleading part is that the zwinky toon looks nothing like the professional toon portrait in the banner.
I have been running similar banners but still not really seeing conversions that I would like. I have been getting a nice click-through rate on IQ banners still but its really rare for one of the mobile pin iq tests to convert. Anyone have any ideas on how to use an IQ banner with an email submit. Maybe with some kind of interstitial page before the email submit?
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