Zuckerberg slaughters goat

Goats are killed everyday in slaughterhouses and on farms for eating purposes, I don't see the big deal in doing the job yourself. Whether he's aiming to eat healthier meat or to gain perspective on what has to happen in order for him to be sustained by the animal, both reasons have validity. It takes a lot to kill an animal with your own hands and be grateful of what it provides.

This is just asking to be shopped lol
Goats are killed everyday in slaughterhouses and on farms for eating purposes, I don't see the big deal in doing the job yourself. Whether he's aiming to eat healthier meat or to gain perspective on what has to happen in order for him to be sustained by the animal, both reasons have validity. It takes a lot to kill an animal with your own hands and be grateful of what it provides.

Really well put.

The native americans would say grace to the animal for giving it's life to sustain them and then use every conceivably part so that not an ounce would go to waste. Puts modern day "hunters" to shame.
I actually think it's a neat idea - and he's a pretty cool dude for doing it despite living a highly public life.

Goats are killed everyday in slaughterhouses and on farms for eating purposes, I don't see the big deal in doing the job yourself. Whether he's aiming to eat healthier meat or to gain perspective on what has to happen in order for him to be sustained by the animal, both reasons have validity. It takes a lot to kill an animal with your own hands and be grateful of what it provides.

Yea exactly. I don't see the problem here!
dont see a problem here. atleast he openly told what he is doing with his life. Far better than some asshole CEO actually literally slaughtering humans everyday with their asshole plans
This is something I'd like to do - I respect him for doing this.

I would LOVE to be able to do this as well. Just been watching a few documentaries via the Food Matters site about cow farms, how dairy is produced, and the fact that most factory farmers wont even eat the food they are producing.

I helped slaughter a goat when I was in Fiji for a month, feed an entire family for days and we used ever single part of the animal. Nothing went to waste.

Don't get me wrong, I love eating meat and I see nothing wrong with eating animals etc etc etc. But boy oh boy is the meat we ate scary, scary stuff.

YouTube - ‪The Price-Pottenger Story‬‏

Conventional Farmers Won't Eat their Own Produce (VIDEO))
This is the affiliate marketing section, so I assume Zuckerberg is taking on CPAgoat.

CPAgoat is a leading marketing company in internet. *

* according to CPAgoat
Trust fat ass Americans to think killing something to eat it is a terrible, terrible thing. I guess you guys are that far removed from your food.

You guys should watch Jamie Oliver's School Dinners; some of these kids don't even know what a fucking carrot is.