Zombieland Movie

maybe this time i wont have to go to the movies by myself. i think i might ask this girl out. but im not so sure.
the best zombie movie I have ever seen : REC
QUarantine was based on it...

Here is a scene. You can get it with the subtitles. It is from SPain. NOTHING will scare you more than this movie.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6_3C-i5BWE]YouTube - REC - Final Scene - HIGH QUALITY[/ame]

I am not usually commenting on movies here (i rather read other people's comments) but i just finished watching REC and i felt i really had to comment, even if it's just to get my heart rate down ! First of all let me say this is one hell of a terrifying movie, i think i don't have to repeat the synopsis (several people already did that before me)...the story doesn't seem to be very original, we all have seen zombie movies before. But because of the claustrophobic setting this is totally different after all. It's a brilliant move to let it take place in an apartment building, with limited space. Also the first person way it's shot (which has done before as well) adds to the claustrophobic atmosphere of the movie. That and quite few great scares (which you really won't see coming from a mile away like a lot of (Hollywood) "horror" movies) and the great (and shocking) ending, makes this movies one of the best horror flicks i have ever seen. Literally. And believe me, i have seen a lot of them. Hollywood...watch and learn ! You don't need gallons of blood and body parts flying around to make a movie that will scare the living hell out of you !
saw it this morning (yup, 6 dollars morning movie). Same old predictable story line. Pretty much the whole movie is in the trailer. woody harrelson rocks and there is a huge surprise in the middle of the movie.
the best zombie movie I have ever seen : REC
QUarantine was based on it...

Here is a scene. You can get it with the subtitles. It is from SPain. NOTHING will scare you more than this movie.

YouTube - REC - Final Scene - HIGH QUALITY

I am not usually commenting on movies here (i rather read other people's comments) but i just finished watching REC and i felt i really had to comment, even if it's just to get my heart rate down ! First of all let me say this is one hell of a terrifying movie, i think i don't have to repeat the synopsis (several people already did that before me)...the story doesn't seem to be very original, we all have seen zombie movies before. But because of the claustrophobic setting this is totally different after all. It's a brilliant move to let it take place in an apartment building, with limited space. Also the first person way it's shot (which has done before as well) adds to the claustrophobic atmosphere of the movie. That and quite few great scares (which you really won't see coming from a mile away like a lot of (Hollywood) "horror" movies) and the great (and shocking) ending, makes this movies one of the best horror flicks i have ever seen. Literally. And believe me, i have seen a lot of them. Hollywood...watch and learn ! You don't need gallons of blood and body parts flying around to make a movie that will scare the living hell out of you !

I got the dubbed version on-demand which I'm going to watch tonight, did you watch the dubbed version or subtitles or the original or what? I only watched the first 5 minutes but I'm going to wait and watch it with my gf. I don't know how I feel about the dubbing, I'd honestly rather hear spanish with english subtitles.