You're 5 Minute IM MBA.....

OP whilst I don't doubt your sincerity in attempting to "give back" I do however doubt your sincerity with regards to your education.

I've met monkeys with a greater command of the English language.

I think this is Step in The Guru Handbook.
1. Make your self to look like an authority.
lol I love this thread, it makes me want to sticky it out of an example of "What not to do"
cool story bro. I downloaded some wordpress landingpage (damn some good freeones) and wrote shitty add copy and make a big sign up button and slinged some dating signups on facebook. made decent roi on 2 offers, for like 2 days on facebook, but then getting traffic bidding cpc is a bitch. so i listened to some guy named garret and am only cpm now, and its way shitty but ill keep testing cuz consistenty of cpm outweighs the sex of cpc.

does this make sense? basically w00t i make dem monies online for 2 days... no fuck cpc and its useless shit.... cpm ftw lets loose some money but gain consistency... oh fuck im not profitable with cpm cause my ctr is like .04 wtf? ... its ok ill keep on trying and fuck ass ill be profitable eventually with cpm.... consistency over fuckign retarded cpc on facebook... most annoying shit ever... oh hai here we recomend u bid max 45 cents oh fuck you u get no impressions haha bitch... ok here ill bid 60 cents fuck yah 10k imps. oh fuck why the fuck r u tellign me to bid even lower if u wont sling me some impressiosn u fucks...

tl:dr FUCK CPC
I don't trust anyone's advice if they misuse your and you're

Ha I'm not alone. I literally had the exact same thought cross my head, and stopped reading his post, when he used 'no' instead of 'know'. I think it best not to take any serious money making advice from people who don't have an elementary understanding of English.
Congratulations! Of the 500,000 words in the modern English language, you've mastered a total of 2.

I didn't bother to edit what I wrote and you apparently didn't bother to read. And neither did I bother to mention my multiple degrees from top tier schools - as it isn't relevant.

So should you need to inject farcical, utterly irrelevant balderdash into one's 100% sincere and genuine attempt to give back a little and add value, do find someplace else to go....

You were doing all right until you wrote this.

For pretension and the arrogance of using big words when you are obviously grammar-challenged, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I would call you a liar, but a 2-year cosmetology degree is still a degree.

riddarhusetgal can I buy your ebook :3

PM me I will also get your coaching program.