You're 5 Minute IM MBA.....


Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
Now that I have a bit more free time on my hands, each week I am doing a bit more to give back on various forums. I personally am spending more time on the Warrior Forum because there are a few people their who really no their stuff, but that's another story.

The reason why I mention the Warrior Forum bit is because if you are a noob you need to get in the habit of using various sources of information - BASED ON YOUR OWN OPINION AND NOT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE SAYS....

There are idiots on Warrior Forum who talk about WF, just like their are idiots here who talk about it over there.

The point is your only allegiance should be to:

-the monthly direct deposits you get each week
-industry experts who provide you with sound advice that consistently produces great results for you
-your own testing and experience....

So let's get started, shall we?

First of all, one thing people don't seem to be aware of is that there is a BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN:

You NEED to know the difference.

Online marketing (like traditional marketing) is the process of generating demand, interest and viewed most fundamentally, QUALIFIED LEADS FOR A PRODUCT SELLER.

Online sales is the process that occurs when a product seller turns a lead into a buyer.

There are 6 Major Steps in a Sales process:

1) Prospecting

2) Initial Contact (and why you are only "making money online" vs. "building a real business" you can sell for delicious multiples down the line if you are not CAPTURING emails or other contact information)

3) Sales Presentation

4) Handling Objections

5) Closing the Sales/Final Negotiation

6) FOLLOW UP (where most businesses make their money. That is why companies PAY AFFILIATES IN THE FIRST PLACE...because they realize the bulk of lifetime customer value happens AFTER THE FIRST SALE OR WHEN THE LEAD IS GENERATED)

To maximize your profits online, you need to understand there are only (3) variables that will effect your success or failure:

a) Traffic
b) the Product
c) your Conversions

Stated differently:

(Traffic) + (Product/Service) + (Conversion) = Profits/$$

One of the great errors I see (and truth be told I made it myself until only a while ago), is that most people focus on the TWO FACTORS THAT MATTER THE LEAST:


You see, when it comes to traffic and products, you can

build traffic (ex. seo)
buy traffic (ex. ppc, media buys, ezine ads, etc)


you could BORROW TRAFFIC (this has the highest ROI, and the lowest start up costs and can be scaled almost instantly, and is the fastest).

Now I won't go into the traffic borrowing bit (ex. coregistration, JV offers with high traffic partners, etc) but just assume that traffic is not your problem....

When it comes to an offer, you can borrow an offer as in an affiliate offer, build your own (ex. product) or buy your own product (as in get someone else to develop a product on a per-hire basis that you sell).

You see, the average internet sales page converts at 1-5%.

However, even a mediocre squeeze page can convert at 30%.

But the results get more striking. The average FOLLOW UP or UPSELL converts at 40%!

Do you understand the power of this?

This is why you go to McDonald's and they say "would you like a large fry for xyz more"

or you go to the movies and buy a medium popcorn and they say "would you like a large one for just abc more"....


This is alot of work!

Everyday chasing unique visitor, after unique visitor.

It is 10x easier to turn a unique visitor ---> to a lead/prospect/subscriber

and a

And it is 10x easier to turn a lead/prospect/subscriber ---> into a Sale.

While of course for the most part we all want more traffic, the reality of the situation is that

a) you have far more control over conversions than you do traffic (which is constrained by what others do)

b) With a few adjustments you can increase your conversions by 100, 200, 500, 800%.


If you have a site that is getting 1000 visitors a day, how much work would it take to get to 10,000 visitors a day?

However, if you have an offer that is converting at 1%, do you know that you can do a few simple things and get that offer to convert at 10%?

Think about it for a second....

a) No more maxing out your credit card
b) no more chasing backlinks
c) no more fussing over this page element or that page element (because even a mediocre lead generation/squeeze page can convert at 30%)

Does this mean that you shouldn't use PPC or SEO or any other traffic generation for you business?


What this DOES MEAN is that now you see the difference between

a) Marketing (or generating demand through mass traffic generation)


b) Sales (CONVERTING prospects into REPEAT BUYERS)

Which reminds me, have you seen the GREATEST SQUEEZE PAGE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD?!


Noticed the difference between Facebook and other social networking sites.


Prospects ----> into Buyers


Want to know how?

The first step of the sales process is "prospecting" or qualifying leads.

This simply means finding out about a person to see if they have the interest or ability to pay.

When you log onto you are asked:

a) Name (of course this is needed for database marketing where they personalize every piece of correspondense to you with th {firstname_fix} tag. According to some research by personalization can increase sales conversions by 100%}

b) Birthday which gives Age (we all know that certain products/services are targeted towards certain demographics like teenagers, 25-34, etc)

c) Sex/Gender (further prospecting/profiling of sales leads)

Anyway, I could go on and on here but I won't. I'm going to throw out some names of people who knoow 1000% more than I do on some of these issues and alot of these people you have probably never heard before.

Yet they have businesses that have been online for 10+ years - and they are businesses that are worth 8 figures. I would really suggest checking out some of the free blog posts or products fo these guys.

Alot of these guys sell products in the $497 to $1997 and they are often worth 2x that....

The problem is you need to know what to do with them or else you will lose your money.

Please notice that:
a) I have not included any affiliate links because i'm not pimping anything
b) Other than entertaining myself here, I am doing this as a form of practice because I'm working on some non IM related projects for which press interviews are necessary and a person has to practice the process of engaging the reader (this is my "payoff")

Here are are some "names" or sources:

1) Charlie Page
2) Robert Puddy
3) Jimmy D Brown
4) Mark Ling
5) Virtually on Sales by Brian Tracy
6) Michelle Berquist (check out her book or guest podcast "How to Build a Million Dollar Database" can google it)
7) Frank Kern. Yes he is loved and hated. But he one of the guys behind the IM campaign that recently launched Tony Robbinson's new NBC show, so if you don't study the methodology of this guy you aren't thinking too clearly....

To sum everything up I say this:

a) If you are doing Affiliate Marketing, you need to understand the economics behind why companies pay you in the first place. When you do this you'll realize the veracity of what I've written here

b) You need to start capturing the contact information of every single unique visitor who gets in front of your web properties....


Because it is so much easier to turn a visitor ---> into a prospect

and a

Prospect ---> Into a sale

If you haven't collected any contact information:
a) you won't be able do any repeat sales
b) the kind of high conversions that occur where you are getting 10, 30, 40, even 50% of people you come in contact with to buy, ONLY HAPPENS THROUGH FOLLOW UP.

Did you know that something like 80% of a sale Happens after the 7-15% exposure that a consumer has?

Wouldn't it be great if you busted your ass for say 6 months or a year then you freed yourself from being a TRAFFIC SLAVE?

What do I mean by that?

I mean you could go from "wanting" to "needing" traffic.

What this means is that in the absence of more and more traffic to your site, you could generate more sales by SELLING MORE TO YOUR PRE-EXISTING CONTACT BASE, vs. UNIQUE BUYERS.

And this works whether or not your sell your own product, do cpa offers or an affiliate on a cost per sale basis.

I hope you get the monumental importance of what I'm saying here.

The bad news is that probably 95% of the people who read this will say "hey that makes alot of sense" then continue on with business as usual....

The good news is you could be one of the 1-5% who does something as simple as :

a) getting a reasonable email marketing service like the dozens out there - just ask someone on here who's an affiliate and use their link

b) set up say a 7 email autoresponder series to warm up your list ahead of time and develop a relationship with them (out of sight=out of mind. Imagine if you called a girl you met at a club or bar or whatever 3 months after you met and said "hey wanna go out?" She's be like wtf is up with this kook? However, if you guys had 7 days of really good phone conversation when you first met, even if you didn't contact her until a few weeks or months later, chances are she'd remember you favorably. The same with your optins. Don't make the mistake of just capturing emails then "getting to it later" when it comes to the follow up sequence).

To make that easier just write something like "7 Tips to [Niche" or "7 Secrets to [Niche]"

If you get too lazy just go to ezinearticles and grab some articles there.

I hope this helps some people and good luck.
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Here's another example that came to mind.

I really hope some people listen to this. I remember back when I first started out read and read and read and read and tried and failed and tried and failed again and damn it gets to you...

Then there were just a few posts I read by a few key people here (some names that come to mind are ImageandWords, Smaxor, Seo_Mike, etc)....


Do you really want to succeed online?

Do you want to build a real business or are just on here reading as a form of escape but you aren't willing to put the work in.


What do I mean?

Step 1 - Get 3000 people to a squeeze page and tweak the hell out of that page until you get at least a 30% optin

Step 2 - Now you have 1000 Prospects.

Step 3 - Develop a relationship with these prospects. Do you know if you turn just a fraction of those people - say 5-6% into REGULAR BUYERS, You have a serious income?

If you have a $97 product or monthly service, BUILT AROUND THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF A "REAL" CUSTOMER BASE, You will be earning more than the average American Worker.

$5k a Month. And while many can't quit their day jobs, making just $5k a month, you can't tell me than an extra $60k a year won't improve your quality of life.

But it's not just money. You will be learning fundamentals. Because if you can make this $5k a month, you can use these same principles to make $500k a month.....

Start with the basics:

a) Generate some Leads
b) Turn Leads into Sales
c) Turn first time Sales into Repeat Sales or Lifetime Customers (THE ULTIMATE REBILL OFFER, LOL!)

Now I'm off for red wine way too early ;P
I don't trust anyone's advice if they misuse your and you're

Congratulations! Of the 500,000 words in the modern English language, you've mastered a total of 2.

I didn't bother to edit what I wrote and you apparently didn't bother to read. And neither did I bother to mention my multiple degrees from top tier schools - as it isn't relevant.

So should you need to inject farcical, utterly irrelevant balderdash into one's 100% sincere and genuine attempt to give back a little and add value, do find someplace else to go....

Congratulations! Of the 500,000 words in the modern English language, you've mastered a total of 2.

I didn't bother to edit what I wrote and you apparently didn't bother to read. And neither did I bother to mention my multiple degrees from top tier schools - as it isn't relevant.

So should you need to inject farcical, utterly irrelevant balderdash into one's 100% sincere and genuine attempt to give back a little and add value, do find someplace else to go....


Clearly, I've mastered at least 13 words as you can see in my first post.

Second, take your fucking stupid empowering guru sales copy back to WaFo and let them all drool over your multiple degrees for just $29!!!!!omg!!!!
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Congratulations! Of the 500,000 words in the modern English language, you've mastered a total of 2.

I credit him for at least three and a half, if you count "you" and "are" as two with a half for the conjunction.

Clearly, I've mastered at least 13 words as you can see in my first post.

Mastered? Unless you have degrees from multiple top tier schools I would describe your use of those 13 words as proficient at best.
Clearly, I've mastered at least 13 words as you can see in my first post.

Second, take your fucking stupid empowering guru sales copy back to WaFo and let them all drool over your multiple degrees for just $29!!!!!omg!!!!

Are you done assuaging your inferiority complex in the newb section? If you care to have a tete a tete regarding grammar, we can meet at the alumni gathering next year here - Home - St Peter's College, University of Oxford

Now get back to pimping BS link packages while I focus on empowering people plebe...
So, basically what you are saying is to capture emails.

What I am saying is:

a) know the difference between marketing and sales
b) understand the economics between why affiliate networks pay you
c) keenly comprehend the importance of lifetime customer value
d) focus on the aspect of sales that generates the highest profits for you (follow up sales which is not possible without contact info)

I hope that helps...
I don't trust anyone's advice if they misuse your and you're

You should have kept reading.

In the first 3 sentences there is 'no' instead of 'know', 'their' instead of 'there' and monthly payments that arrive... weekly. And other rushed, non-punctuated nonsense, mostly about the Warrior Forum.

After such an introduction I was fairly primed for failing to keep going.
Are you done assuaging your inferiority complex in the newb section? If you care to have a tete a tete regarding grammar, we can meet at the alumni gathering next year here - Home - St Peter's College, University of Oxford

Now get back to pimping BS link packages while I focus on empowering people plebe...

I would love to have a tete a tete with you over in jolly ol' Oxford, because I sure as fuck know they aren't handing out degrees to people who struggle to use proper grammar in the title of a written work
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Lay off guys, he's "giving back" yo. :bowdown:

"Give back" is code word for an upcoming IM product/service launch, in the tradition of Warrior Forum.