Hi..just wondering when you register a domain do you pay for it? and if you do then that means you can write your name as long as its not in use yet and if you dont have to pay for it then wont the net get overcongested with everyone wanting to have their own domain?
I happen to have a (nick)name that I simply cannot register - ever.
It happens to be one of the biggest keywords on the web.
I didn't invent it, my brothers did - when I was 7 years old. I was born in the early 70s - that word is a made-up word that you'd never even think of registering as a domain as it's not even a word that exists in English, and yet today it sits below 1000 in Alexa for traffic for the single keyword domain.
Everyone I know has always called me by this name. I may aswell be called "Google" as I will never be able to register or use it. CCarter's methods would be well tested against this - in fact it would be a bastard challenge, but rest assured - he'd win, if not through anything but the right mindset and determination.*
The point is - if you have any thought for your future get all your bases covered now. I could be worth billions if I had just registered that single .com many years ago when I started registering .com domains. So while I was happy buying and working on domains like space.com in 1997 I just didn't think about my own ID as I didn't think it would be worth anything. Now - as it turns out, it is worth an enormous amount, just not to me any longer.

Ok - tl/dr blah blah - It costs you fuck all to register your name now. Seriously fuck all. Why would you not do so?
*actually I don't think even CC would be able to fight this one as it happens.