Your Opinion on SP Sale

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Superstar DJ!
Oct 5, 2006
Button Moon
Ok so I put a site up for sale on SP but as its an affiliate site in a specific niche I refuse to post the URL as it would get a million pricks trying to copy the sites layout , setup etc.

As normal you get the normal bunch of wankers who send you the "you must show us everything shit" and then about 3 hours later they ban my auction.

So I regestered a .info and emailed them and tokl them that I was looking to use this URL and created a page on the site saying that whoever bought my domain would get the affiliate site free. This all seems to be right within the T&C of the SP auction guidelines.

After 48 hours of comms with them the told me its againt the listing rules which I think is a lot of crap as it states you can sell more than one item per listing!

Anyone had experience with this? Im pissed the took my $20 and changed the rules

Typical monopoly... the only good place to sell/buy but the actual service is shit.
i have sold on SP before and payed the fee. If you have a quality site, are 100% honest and upfront you should do fine.
its not worth listing on sp unless ure selling for a lot more than 20 bucks. i had a bunch of sites up for sale back when it was 10$ per listing and the new marketplace system wasnt in place... that was a lot better.
bottom line is they have their rules. if you don't want to play by them sell your site elsewhere.
nobody is going to buy the site for what you want for it without seeing it. quit bein' ridiculous dude.
I somehow missed this on my first pass:
As normal you get the normal bunch of wankers who send you the "you must show us everything shit"

well, that is typically pretty useful information to have when you're trying to make a purchasing decision.

You could also setup requirements: PM me for URL, revenue screenshots, traffic screenshots, etc. But Only PM me if you have a reputation of ___ points or are willing to go through

etc. whatever requirements you setup. This could bypass the riff raff who would attempt to mimic your processes if they found your url.
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