your first ever

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My very first offer (I won't mention it because I'm going to try it again soon) was a $50 payout. I setup a yahoo ppc campaign and went to bed. Woke up with 4 signups ($200) and only $40 spent in yahoo!

I then proceeded to spend another $1000 or so on traffic over the next week with no more signups (possibly 1, cant remember) and then gave up. I still don't know why I was so lucky on that first day.
Proud to say I was part of the first affiliate proggy out there: books on hacking linked to from a website that talked about warez. pure ghetto but the check came!
fastweb email submit on facebook with $120 in free ads - ended up making $170, direct linking
banked on tones right from the get-go couple years back.. not running anymore because i'd be guaranteed a lawsuit if i did it now.
Made a little cabbage off eBay, nothing to write home about. Now trying to figure out PPC, expecting to lose my ass for a while.
first real bank was a zip submit (consumer incent. promotions gas card) on primary ads. had some really good days and rode it for 8 months or so. ran it with polls, landers, flogs, email, and ppv. lol, i ran that into the dirt. i don't touch submits anymore, but they were fun for a long time.
I see; couple of "old timers" around (as it were)...

What interval after you started out was it worth it to make this your full time occupation (ie. after what time did you guys manage to seriously bank on stuff?).

Me, one year in and I'm still loosing money (though I can't say I've been serious about this stuff until a couple of months back).
It was about a year ago. Luckily a friend of mine introduced me to SEO for product launches.

I decided to give a try and worked 3 days building up a site, getting links, social bookmarks, etc..

By the 3rd day my blog was number 2 in Google for the (product name review). I made about $600 on launch day and continued making an average of $150 per day for abouth a month.

After that, sales just tanked but up this day, the site is still up and makes roughly $100 per month.
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