your first ever

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you best bet is to find an offer that is a little off the beaten path and doesnt have 90 billion searches a day. Use the google adwords keyword tool try to stay with keywords that run less than 50000 hits a month thats 200 per day and should be relatively easy to achieve program placement 1 keyword=impossible 2keywords=easier 3= pretty easy but test the keyword first with a small amount of PPC maybe a day or so to make sure it converts
My very first conversions were clickwank products, yes, yes I know & I'm so sorry and ashamed.

(not make money products though)
i think mine was a colon cleanse on a blog style lander, did not do so hot at it, lost lots of monies at PPC with it.
free pink iphone

Did OK and even managed to sell the site after a little bit.

I did a few hosting offers on CJ back when I was very poor (and young). They were all incentive driven. I couldn't understand why the millions weren't rushing to sign up at Host Gator when I was offering them a bunch of cashback as bait. Needless to say, I sucked hard at it. My sales pitch was along the lines of "dude, you should sign up here 'cause we both get money and I want money"

I eventually moved on to Clickbank - don't shoot me yet. That's when I started to get smarter, although obviously not smart enough to not be on Clickbank. I started to actually get somewhere with SEO and I got a bunch of naturally listing sites that are still making me money to this day. Not much money. Only a few hundred bucks a month, but in terms of how new I was at the time, it's pretty neat to have.

Then I get involved with Neverblue and had a bit of success direct linking to a bunch of acai shit. I'd consider that my first proper offer, although it took me a while to get beyond the basics and start seriously profiting.
not really an offer but DoubleClick was my first in the summer of 96. My first real offer promo was a place called Golden Casino or something like that later that year. It was the first gambling website that shut down shortly after. Later in mid 97 was when i started going a bit more sketchy and started pushing a popular celeb porn site called babylon X and another place called Nickelads or Nickleclicks (something like that). i keep hearing amazon was the first affiliate program but I'm not so sure that's true. My theory is some of those netscape plugins that required a purchase were technically the first "affiliate" program, but since they probably called it something different like Commission Program or something they didn't get credit for being the first. I'm pretty sure even some of those "download accelerators" back in the day beat amazon to it.
Golden Palace Casino. CPA was $250 a player. We'd bring in 30-70 players a day. Man, those were the days.
year 2000 = coreg offers = mad bank. still have coreg paths but now the whole path nets you about the same as one offer back in the day.
the first thing that succeeded for me was ebay, back when they were on CJ. nice payouts on new signups and bonuses back then. the new EPN system isn't as generous.

first offer with a big payout was hoodia.
I accidentally signed up for yahoo search marketing through my own CJ link.

My first real sale was a Hillary or Obama email submit. I spent $6 that day, made $6.90.
ebay - beat the shit out of google's algorithm for about 6 months.

Stacked anywhere from 15,000-25,000 unique clicks per day at above average EPC's. Then they moved over to the revshare model and I thought it was all downhill- come to find out apparently I sat on a number of luxury watch makers brand terms and outranked them for anything long tail.

The EPC's nearly doubled.

Unfortunately about 6 weeks later google fixed the glitch- but it was great while it lasted.
Spent $300 on a one-week media buy; made $500 back the first day, but then my server went down for the next couple of days.

What a huge mix of good and bad luck.
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