Your dog a tough/aggressive chewer?


New member
Aug 30, 2007
I know a lot of you have dogs since we've had some epic dog conversations here :)

Basically I'm looking for a few products (not kong toys) that tough dogs can not destroy but they actually like. Looking for toys more so than bones and treats. I've got the "perishables" down.

I don't care if they are something that is just in the local stores, or you've found on-line.

As a thanks - if you've been looking for an excuse to try elk antlers - or you know your dog already loves them hit me up and I'll give you a coupon code good at Elk Antler Dog Treats - Elk Antlers Dog Chews . Just drop me a PM and I'll make you a coupon code.

I find they like leather sofas quite a bit, especially when they're young, still growing up, and end up inside unsupervised for a while. Shit heads...

I don't know, I just get mine big bags of bones / treats from the pet store. Never give them actual bones, due to the bacteria, maggots, etc. Then add some DentaStix, and they seem happy enough:

I'm more looking for toys than treats - we've got treats covered. I'd like to add some cool toys to the mix though.
I'm more looking for toys than treats - we've got treats covered. I'd like to add some cool toys to the mix though.

What kind of dogs do you have? For example, I have a 40kg lab, so not a pitbull or german shepard, but still a pretty tough boy.

While he was growing up, I bought loads of toys for him, but he never cared about any of them. His most favorite a toy? Empty small bottle of water or coke that you pickup from 7/11. Filled it up with about 15% water, so it had some weight to it, and he loved it. Swatted and threw it around like mad. Also made the perfect toy for playing fetch.

He wouldn't touch any of the commercial toys I bought, but thought the bottle of water was kick ass.
What kind of dogs do you have? For example, I have a 40kg lab, so not a pitbull or german shepard, but still a pretty tough boy.

While he was growing up, I bought loads of toys for him, but he never cared about any of them. His most favorite a toy? Empty small bottle of water or coke that you pickup from 7/11. Filled it up with about 15% water, so it had some weight to it, and he loved it. Swatted and threw it around like mad. Also made the perfect toy for playing fetch.

He wouldn't touch any of the commercial toys I bought, but thought the bottle of water was kick ass.

I've got a lab too - and yep she loves the soda bottles. EVERY other toy I've bought her gets destroyed in minutes (even kongs). That's why I have the Elk Antler site - it's the ONLY bone that lasts any time at all. 6 weeks and counting on her last antler.

I'd just like to offer some additional toys - just want them durable and I haven't found any yet that really hold up to her.
This has lasted for a while, but our lab doesnt play with it often. He gets his teeth into it so now I have to clean up any sharp edges so it doesnt cut up his gums.

I have never tried the antlers, but most bones dont last long with our dogs.
I've got a Dobie/Lab cross who is a powerful chewer, and she loves the antlers. Nylabone is also very good.

As for toys, she'll destroy just about everything if left unattended with it long enough.

A partially deflated soccer ball makes a good toy, but it has to be a good quality ball or it will just get punctured and torn to shreds. The cheap $10 vinyl ones last about 2 minutes. We found a leather one awhile back in the bushes that has lasted the better part of a year now. You only deflate it enough so they can pick it up but can't get a full bite on it. She can grab hold of it and squeeze it, it makes a funny rumbling sound when she does, but she hasn't put a hole in it yet. She pounces on it and pushes it around with her nose. Plus she's a pretty good goalie.

She loves a good tug of war and so some of the webbing material toys are great. There are some you can find that are wide two ply heavy webbing sewn into a skull and crossbones shape that have a stuffed animal head sew on them. The head part lasts only a couple days but then you're left with this heavy duty webbing that lasts for a very long time. We've got one that is more than a year old. She grabs it and thrashes it back and forth slapping her sides like some sort of self-flagellation, and you can play tug and fetch with it too.

This is the best photo I could find, but something like this is what I'm talking about, each length of webbing is about 1.5 feet long ...


Also a good buy, the Kyjen batons made out of fire hose...


Kyjen's Fire Hose Toys | Sku: FH05020

They are pretty durable but if she decides to make a project out of it, she will put a hole in the corner and pull out all the stuffing material.

That's pretty much it. Every now and then I'll spend a fiver and buy her a cheap stuffed animal knowing it won't last more than a few days, but other than that she's pretty easily entertained.
I don't know, I just get mine big bags of bones / treats from the pet store. Never give them actual bones, due to the bacteria, maggots, etc.
Dog saliva is very good at breaking down bacteria. What it isn't good at breaking down is bleach, which is what most commercial bones contain.

Just be sure to not be like my local petshop, and get (what looked like) beef spine.
A partially deflated soccer ball makes a good toy, but it has to be a good quality ball or it will just get punctured and torn to shreds. The cheap $10 vinyl ones last about 2 minutes. We found a leather one awhile back in the bushes that has lasted the better part of a year now. You only deflate it enough so they can pick it up but can't get a full bite on it. She can grab hold of it and squeeze it, it makes a funny rumbling sound when she does, but she hasn't put a hole in it yet. She pounces on it and pushes it around with her nose. Plus she's a pretty good goalie.
I'm not so sure about footballs, problem with that, is they get used to the idea that it's ok to chew/chase them, so they then start chasing them when you go to the park, so you have to buy someone a new ball.
We take our 3 yr old Lab 2 times a day for 45 min ball sessions. She comes back and goes lies in a corner.

Only thing she CANNOT desctroy are black kongs although the one we have ( 6 months old ) looks like it's about to fall apart.

The nylabone is good, we got her one but the edges get sharp as she chews the shit outta them.

Days that she gets really good walks she is a lot more chill and doesn't really chew.
We take our 3 yr old Lab 2 times a day for 45 min ball sessions. She comes back and goes lies in a corner.

Only thing she CANNOT desctroy are black kongs although the one we have ( 6 months old ) looks like it's about to fall apart.

The nylabone is good, we got her one but the edges get sharp as she chews the shit outta them.

Days that she gets really good walks she is a lot more chill and doesn't really chew.

I got a black kong....hehehehhehehehehehehhehehehehehehheh :banana_sml::banana_sml:
I'm not so sure about footballs, problem with that, is they get used to the idea that it's ok to chew/chase them, so they then start chasing them when you go to the park, so you have to buy someone a new ball.

Unless your dog is absolutely enormous they can't get their mouth around a properly inflated soccerball. Mine's 86lbs and stands about mid thigh high, and she simply can't pick up a fully inflated ball like that, but I imagine some bigger males could.