Your Daily Money Making Rituals??

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New member
Aug 16, 2008
I would like to know from any one that has had consistent growth and success in affiliate marketing what you consider to be your best/most profitable money making activities you engage in on a daily basis.

For myself at this point its updating my bids on keywords for my top three campaigns several times daily and researching new keywords on those offer or on new offers to test.

I think in the near future testing new traffic sources will be added to this list.

Im many of the successful people here already continuously analyze their time investment with the 80/20 rule. I would really appreciate it if you would share your knowledge and experience, or to give advice and where I should focus my attention to reach the next level.

Hello friend,

I pray to Vishnu for success in making monies online

Good luck bro and may Shiva have mercy on your soul.
Hello friend,

I pray to Lakshmi each morning and now I make more and more money each month.

Good luck bro.
Hello friend,

I pray to Vishnu for success in making monies online

Good luck bro and may Shiva have mercy on your soul.

Hello friend,

Have you gone mad? You do not pray to Lord Vishnu to bless you with riches and money. For that you need to pray to Lakshmi.

Good thing Vinshnu is also the god of mercy or else he may be very angry with you.

Good luck bro and may you get your Hindu gods right.
In all seriousness, the habit you need to get into doing every day is launching campaigns. Especially if you are doing something small like email and zip submits with a poll site or something like that. You need to launch 3-5 campaigns today, then while you are waiting for those results to start coming in, you launch another 3 the next day, then 5 the day after that, until you are making money.

Don't just set up one campaign and spend the rest of your day refreshing stats.
Don't just set up one campaign and spend the rest of your day refreshing stats.

It's so hard though. Refreshing stats is my favorite past time. I'll try to guess the new number of impressions. I tried to guess the number of conversions, but so far, every day has been the same answer. :(
I heard he was also the god of gay buttsex, so he's quite pleased with this place...

Hello friend,

You are confused. There is not much mention of gay butt sex in hinduism like there is in the religion here. In fact, hinduism no mention much on homosexual.

But some say it is wrong and others no say anything about it.

Only place mention gay butt sex is Kama Sutra. It say you can do gay butt sex and enjoy it as one of the arts.

I no think that right but I no discriminate against homesexuals either. So I know people here would like to read and see that part.

Good luck bros and may Shiva have mercy on those who like if it end up being wrong.
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