you stupid people

Yes. Serious answer. I know almost nothing. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

Wait... if the question was really about stupid... then no, I'm not quite capable of grasping that. It's probably unattainable. I can tell how stupid people are in relation to me... like I can create a scale for it... but when someone is smarter than me, they might as well be Tesla. "Over my level" is also "over my level" regarding any chance I'd have at guessing magnitude.
smart enough to feel stupid.

you're slowly growing on me, despite how hated you are around here.

What do you think is the opposite of stupid? i mean, how do you think intelligence is manifested in people, when they're born with a predisposition and things just come easy (that can be confused for talent in certain things/aspects of life) or when they accumulate the right wealth of knowledge over the course of their lifetime? maybe you're confusing how ignorant people are over things you consider essential for intelligence and referring to it as stupidity.
lol the tags. you know who makes them? people who dont have the balls to confront me in the thread. its underhanded bitching. theyre hilarious, but if anyones really got beef and tries to deal with that through tags, yea. be my guest.
smart enough to feel stupid.

you're slowly growing on me, despite how hated you are around here.

What do you think is the opposite of stupid? i mean, how do you think intelligence is manifested in people, when they're born with a predisposition and things just come easy (that can be confused for talent in certain things/aspects of life) or when they accumulate the right wealth of knowledge over the course of their lifetime? maybe you're confusing how ignorant people are over things you consider essential for intelligence and referring to it as stupidity.

stupidity is defined as the lack of intelligence. i dont believe intelligence is what people are born with. thats just another excuse. its like a fat guy claiming hes got bad genetics. youd call bullshit on that.

theres noone i could single out as particularly stupid. most people got less education than i do but thats just a fact and has nothing to do with intelligence.

im not hated btw. thats just the kind of attention you get when youve got presence.
are you aware of how stupid you are? serious question

Compared with a deistic being who suspends the entire universe as an act of will ... yup.

Compared with you ... I doubt it, but who knows bro.

In the UK there used to be a radio show called 'If you're so clever why aren't you rich'. It was a sitcom and I listened to it often because I was an on-the-road salesman at the time (retail systems). The show was amusing but the title made my teeth grind slightly.
stupidity is defined as the lack of intelligence. i dont believe intelligence is what people are born with. thats just another excuse. its like a fat guy claiming hes got bad genetics. youd call bullshit on that.

theres noone i could single out as particularly stupid. most people got less education than i do but thats just a fact and has nothing to do with intelligence.

im not hated btw. thats just the kind of attention you get when youve got presence.

Some people gauge the level of stupidity, by a lack of apostrophes.
you gonna be my therapist?

So then you need therapy, it's good that you recognize the problem exists. Now don't let it fester; I totally understand why you would hate yourself but you are still a human being and that's something to focus on. Dig really deep and find that silver lining. Don't you deserve to be happy? Maybe, just maybe you do.