You really don't see this one coming.


New member
Aug 10, 2007
[ame=]The Post-Vomit Kiss | NY Ink - YouTube[/ame]

(if you want to skip ahead start at 1:10)

edit: actually you probably will see what's coming because of the stupid fucking title. Anyways, I actually saw this on TV on chelsa handler and didn't know what was coming.
at the end of the clip she said "Thank goodness she didn't shit her pants"

My friend did that the other night, although they where both beyond wasted... still going to give him shit about it for eternity.
Never mind the vomit, how people can watch these kinda shows to begin with I just don't know.
Is this what you watch in your free time.

Gimme my 2 min. back.

Cracka ass jew.
One New Year at a street party during the midnight celebration, a minute after the bells, my mate started to snog the random girl standing next to him, and she vommed into his mouth and all down his front, and then just disappeared into the crowd.

True story. Needless to say, we were all very supportive and sympathetic.
The comments...


He didn't do it because he's just such a sweet guy. He did it because he knows how women are and he wants to get his dick wet. And you still fall for it!

^^Well Chelsea did say that was the most exciting thing that had happened on that god awful show to date.