You know those crazy people who don't vaccinate?

What gets me is that, where I live, children are required to have had a set list of vaccinations before they are allowed to enter public school. I remember being on a message forum and one of the users wrote that they didn't want their kids to be in class with another kid who was not vaccinated. I was like 'WTF?' If anything, it's my child that would be at risk because you're vaccinated kid is carrying the virus!

flu shots are for pussies if you're gonna get sick then your'e gonna get sick.
Not to go bumping semi-old threads, but thought I'd post this here..


A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have more than twice the diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children, and perhaps five times more of certain disorders.

survey results illnesses
Most people who smoke don't get cancer, while plenty of people who live healthy lifestyles do get it. So there's plenty of anecdotal cases of "my relatives smoked and never got cancer, but some of my nonsmoker friends did."

There are always exceptions to the rule...also something to bring up is that "healthy lifestyles" seems to be a relative term. Most people that are living "healthy lifestyles" are not at all. For example, it sounds like you would claim that someone who has all their vaccines was living a "healthy lifestyle" -- which is far from the truth.

Anyway, that's all irrelevant to the conversation at hand, point is that you've got to be fucking crazy to be giving babies hardcore drugs like vaccines. The kind of permanent damage it does to your body, your immune system, is ridiculous. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to "BIG COMPANIES, GOVERNMENT SAYS ITS GOOD SO IT MUST BE" conclusions. Shit is fucking NEVER true.

That chart is misleading garbage. Their site says the majority of kids in their unvaccinated survey were ages 0-2. On the other hand, the numbers for the vaccinated are an equal representation of ages 0-17 according to KIGGS.

Babies are less likely than older children to have things like herpes, migraines and allergies. And why are they even including herpes? Are they suggesting that vaccines cause herpes?

Imagine if a college student was told to compare herpes rates in children between Texas and California, and then the student did something like this. FAIL, lol. "But professor, the 2 year olds in Texas really do have a lot less herpes than the teens in California!"

There are always exceptions to the rule...also something to bring up is that "healthy lifestyles" seems to be a relative term. Most people that are living "healthy lifestyles" are not at all. For example, it sounds like you would claim that someone who has all their vaccines was living a "healthy lifestyle" -- which is far from the truth.

Anyway, that's all irrelevant to the conversation at hand, point is that you've got to be fucking crazy to be giving babies hardcore drugs like vaccines. The kind of permanent damage it does to your body, your immune system, is ridiculous. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to "BIG COMPANIES, GOVERNMENT SAYS ITS GOOD SO IT MUST BE" conclusions. Shit is fucking NEVER true.


You're saying that all vaccines (smallpox, polio, measles...) do more harm than good?

Once Nearly Eradicated, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Return to U.S. - ABC News