You know those crazy people who don't vaccinate?

Yeah, certainly crazy for not vaccinating when there are now conclusive links between vaccines and shit like narcolepsy.

Right now they're telling everyone to get the flu shot, always laugh at that one since the flu vaccines are based on the previous year's flu strain, rendering it pretty much ineffective/useless.

Heard a good one the other day on the radio, a pharmacist advocating everyone get the flu shot and swearing up n' down that flu shots don't make you sick.. Meanwhile, several people calling in who got it 2-3 days prior and are sicker than dogs. His response.. "Monday night football can be rough". Seriously?

I'll just practice very good hygiene and avoid pumping my body full of toxins.
Old vaccines have been proven to give people autism because they were preserved in mercury. Not sure about the present times but who knows these days?
all of the patients who developed the disorder had a genetic predisposition to it, the study found.

a rate of six in 100,000

During the flu season of 2009-2010, laboratory tests confirmed 44 deaths from swine flu in Finland.

THL said that it agrees with the position of the European Medicines Agency that despite the "extremely unfortunate" cases of narcolepsy, the vaccine did more good than harm.

"Based on the data, we estimate that the swine flu vaccine prevented 40,000 infections in the 2009-2010 season and a further 40,000 infections in the 2010-2011 season," said THL.

Swine flu vaccine linked to narcolepsy: Finnish study

Yeah, certainly crazy for not vaccinating when there are now conclusive links between vaccines and shit like narcolepsy.

There's proven links between not vaccinating and getting illnesses and dying, especially if everyone were to stop vaccinating.

Right now they're telling everyone to get the flu shot, always laugh at that one since the flu vaccines are based on the previous year's flu strain, rendering it pretty much ineffective/useless.

The World Health Organization along with other worldwide surveillance centers, monitor the flu virus and track what viruses are circulating around the world. Based on data from previous years and on predictions on the strains that will predominate in the coming year, a new vaccine is formulated every year.

The Shot Nurse FAQ

It's proven that they greatly help overall.

Influenza vaccine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, certainly crazy for not vaccinating when there are now conclusive links between vaccines and shit like narcolepsy.

Right now they're telling everyone to get the flu shot, always laugh at that one since the flu vaccines are based on the previous year's flu strain, rendering it pretty much ineffective/useless.

Heard a good one the other day on the radio, a pharmacist advocating everyone get the flu shot and swearing up n' down that flu shots don't make you sick.. Meanwhile, several people calling in who got it 2-3 days prior and are sicker than dogs. His response.. "Monday night football can be rough". Seriously?

I'll just practice very good hygiene and avoid pumping my body full of toxins.

I gotta say, I don't really see the point of Flu jabs for non-"at risk" populations.
all of the patients who developed the disorder had a genetic predisposition to it, the study found.

a rate of six in 100,000

During the flu season of 2009-2010, laboratory tests confirmed 44 deaths from swine flu in Finland.

THL said that it agrees with the position of the European Medicines Agency that despite the "extremely unfortunate" cases of narcolepsy, the vaccine did more good than harm.

I'd much rather take my chances getting the flu (or my child) than becoming an "extremely unfortunate" case of narclopesy. We're talking about the flu here, not a death sentence for your average person. Even old people, the best prevention is practicing good health habits to ensure your immune system is strong. One of the points of getting sick is to help your immunity, not injecting yourself with a wide range of toxins.

"Based on the data, we estimate that the swine flu vaccine prevented 40,000 infections in the 2009-2010 season and a further 40,000 infections in the 2010-2011 season," said THL.[/I]

So if we're talking about 40,000 infections that were supposedly prevented in a given year, then that means 3 to 18 lives were supposedly saved. (swine flu mortality rate being between 0.007% and 0.045% source: Swine flu death rate similar to seasonal flu: expert | Reuters)

This is in comparison to the 79 children who now have significant long term health issues as a result of taking the vaccine.. Now let's not forget, there are likely many more cases undiagnosed along with unknown long-term side effects.

There's proven links between not vaccinating and getting illnesses and dying, especially if everyone were to stop vaccinating.

There's also proven links between vaccinating and getting illnesses and dying.
Take the hepatitis B vaccine...

Independent analysis of raw computer data generated by the government-operated Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) confirms that in 1996, there were 872 serious adverse events reported to VAERS in children under 14 years of age who had been injected with hepatitis B vaccine. The children were either taken to a hospital emergency room, had life threatening health problems, were hospitalized or were left disabled following vaccination; 214 of the children had received hepatitis B vaccine alone and the rest had received hepatitis B vaccine in combination with other vaccines. Forty-eight children were reported to have died after they were injected with hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 and 13 of them had received hepatitis B vaccine only before their deaths. By contrast, in 1996 only 279 cases of hepatitis B disease were reported in children under age 14.
Hepatitis B Vaccine Reaction Reports Outnumber Reported Disease Cases in Children | ENCOGNITIVE.COM

Mind you, Hepatitis B is transmitted through sex, dirty needles, or contact with contaminated blood. Yet, they insist on giving them to newborn babies even if the mother was screen and tested negative? Almost makes sense, but it doesn't, unless of course you take into account the $ it makes companies.

The World Health Organization along with other worldwide surveillance centers, monitor the flu virus and track what viruses are circulating around the world. Based on data from previous years and on predictions on the strains that will predominate in the coming year, a new vaccine is formulated every year.

The Shot Nurse FAQ

Thanks for proving my point, they're predictions. Thus any estimations of their success rates are guess work, which if you can connect dots, are largely influenced by the pharmaceutical companies that profit in the billions from vaccines.

Which leads me to my next point.. Vaccines make pharma companies rich. It's in their interest to make people think they need vaccinated. They give millions of $ to supposedly unbiased organizations that promote the use of vaccinations:

The vaccine industry gives millions to the Academy of Pediatrics for conferences, grants, medical education classes and even helped build their headquarters. The totals are kept secret, but public documents reveal bits and pieces.

A $342,000 payment from Wyeth, maker of the pneumococcal vaccine - which makes $2 billion a year in sales.

A $433,000 contribution from Merck, the same year the academy endorsed Merck's HPV vaccine - which made $1.5 billion a year in sales.

Another top donor: Sanofi Aventis, maker of 17 vaccines and a new five-in-one combo shot just added to the childhood vaccine schedule last month.

Every Child By Two, a group that promotes early immunization for all children, admits the group takes money from the vaccine industry, too - but wouldn't tell us how much.

A spokesman told CBS News: "There are simply no conflicts to be unearthed." But guess who's listed as the group's treasurers? Officials from Wyeth and a paid advisor to big pharmaceutical clients.

Then there's Paul Offit, perhaps the most widely-quoted defender of vaccine safety.

He's gone so far as to say babies can tolerate "10,000 vaccines at once."

This is how Offit described himself in a previous interview: "I'm the chief of infectious disease at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of pediatrics at Penn's medical school," he said.

Offit was not willing to be interviewed on this subject but like others in this CBS News investigation, he has strong industry ties. In fact, he's a vaccine industry insider.

Offit holds in a $1.5 million dollar research chair at Children's Hospital, funded by Merck. He holds the patent on an anti-diarrhea vaccine he developed with Merck, Rotateq, which has prevented thousands of hospitalizations.

And future royalties for the vaccine were just sold for $182 million cash. Dr. Offit's share of vaccine profits? Unknown.

Source with video:
How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? - CBS News

In the end it's really a matter of faith in companies that rely on the sales and trust of vaccinations. Of course companies can profit billions while providing a great product, but with so much counter-evidence to the true validity and effectiveness of vaccinations, it's a big gamble. I'll take my chances naturally.
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I'd much rather take my chances getting the flu (or my child) than becoming an "extremely unfortunate" case of narclopesy. We're talking about the flu here, not a death sentence for your average person. Even old people, the best prevention is practicing good health habits to ensure your immune system is strong. One of the points of getting sick is to help your immunity, not injecting yourself with a wide range of toxins.

It kills something like 30,000 Americans a year, 300 who are children. Flu spreads exponentially. Most do not die from it, but the more people who get it, the more likely it becomes that it will spread to people who will die.

So if we're talking about 40,000 infections that were supposedly prevented in a given year, then that means 3 to 18 lives were supposedly saved. (swine flu mortality rate being between 0.007% and 0.045% source:

That was an early estimate. According to this Finland had 56 total flu deaths out of 6,122 cases.

Death isn't the only major worry with the flu, as it can lead to various complications. One example would be flu induced comas, where people can have to learn to walk again after coming out of them.

There's also proven links between vaccinating and getting illnesses and dying.

There's also links between eating grocery store food and getting illnesses and dying. The key though is that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Reaction Reports Outnumber Reported Disease Cases in Children | ENCOGNITIVE.COM[/url]

If we give most kids oranges, then yeah, those having bad reactions to them would outnumber the total of them coming down with scurvy.

120 million Americans have received the hep b vaccine, of course a number of them had bad reactions. The big picture though is that without the vaccine, how many of the 120 million would have got sick or died from the the hepatitis?

Thanks for proving my point, they're predictions. Thus any estimations of their success rates are guess work,

Predictions based on science, not a rolling of the dice. The success rates are not guess work as they are able to compare groups that get flu shots with those who do not.

In the end it's really a matter of faith in companies that rely on the sales and trust of vaccinations.

People had faith in the claims of the makers of the polio vaccine, but what mattered most were the results.

but with so much counter-evidence to the true validity and effectiveness of vaccinations

Which currently recommended vaccine has even a little evidence suggesting it is not effective?
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if vaccines proves to be dangerous,then whom to trust????Its like patient is ready but the doctors are greedy......
Moxie we'll have to agree to disagree. There's plenty of evidence that shows the influence pharma companies have over health organizations and government. So any statistics these org's put out are questionable at best. If you combine that with the amount of contradictory evidence that's available, it's not a risk worth taking imo.

I'd love to take a vaccine having confidence it will work and not cause significant harm. But none are nowhere near 100% effective and all come with risks, just take a look at the inserts that accompany them. Here's the one for MMR from Merck themselves. The adverse reactions list is insane, all of which were observed during clinical trials. Count my ass out, I'll take my chances.
I'd much rather take my chances getting the flu (or my child) than becoming an "extremely unfortunate" case of narclopesy. We're talking about the flu here, not a death sentence for your average person. Even old people, the best prevention is practicing good health habits to ensure your immune system is strong. One of the points of getting sick is to help your immunity, not injecting yourself with a wide range of toxins.

Good post, that is exactly how I feel. + rep

I don't vaccinate and I see those who take flu shots around me get flu almost every year, while I'm ok. Just practice healthy living and take supplements if needed.
Giving Hep B vaccines to babies seems a little crazy.

Over here they only give them to people "at risk" (which includes medical professionals or researchers who work with human tissue).
Even some countries in Africa now go years without cases of polio, but here's a reminder of what can happen without vaccinating for it :

5 Cases of Polio in Amish Group Raise New Fears - New York Times

I don't vaccinate and I see those who take flu shots around me get flu almost every year, while I'm ok.

Most people who smoke don't get cancer, while plenty of people who live healthy lifestyles do get it. So there's plenty of anecdotal cases of "my relatives smoked and never got cancer, but some of my nonsmoker friends did."

Giving Hep B vaccines to babies seems a little crazy.

Over here they only give them to people "at risk" (which includes medical professionals or researchers who work with human tissue).

Hep B infection rates have gone up in the UK, while they have gone down well over 50% in the US since the vaccine became routine.

Mothers can pass it to the babies during birth, but the vaccine shot right after woudl prevent it from developing. Another thing is that vaccines become less effective the older someone is.

Parents are much more likely to agree to all the recommended vaccines for their newborn, than they are to bother with a particular one for their 12 or whatever year old.