
Which ones did you buy?

Looks like he has a ton.

[ame=""] A.M. and P.M. Yoga: Rodney Yee, Patricia Walden, Steve Adams: Movies & TV[/ame]

[ame=""] Rodney Yee's Yoga for Energy & Stress Relief: Rodney Yee, Gaiam: Movies & TV[/ame]
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My wife is a yoga teacher and some of the postures she gets into are crazy. No, I'm not going to upload photos with a spoon...
I don't believe in doing yoga by video or so. You really need a live trainer, who has not only experience and ability to teach, but also what's called transmission. because yoga is not only stretching, there's something more behind.
Totally agree golan, in fact, yoga is a whole way of life. What we know as yoga in the west is just the physical part of yoga.
Do it, Yoga has done wonders for me. Before I started doing yoga I had serious hip pains when I would sleep in a bed more than 4 hours. I was always tired. It was terrible really.

Yeah I felt a bit gay doing "stretches" with all the other fat housewives at first but now I swear by it. Not to mention it has made me a monster in bed. I'm so flexible now I can jackhammer a bitch all night without a bit of pain the next day. Plus all the fat housewives that I started the class with are all skinny now and they all wanna fuck because they've been staring at my sweet ass for an hour a day, 3 days a week.
I care more about straight up physical fitness.
Bring your body to yoga, the mind will follow.

I was doing bikram for awhile (it's the same exact series in a heated room) before I realized that, in fact, what the teachers were telling me was true - it's a moving mediation. It took a few months but my focus went first on dealing with the heat, then being able to finish all the poses without having to stop and rest, and then listening to the teacher and trying to incorporate every adjustment. Only then did it dawn on me that I was doing fairly deep meditation.

So I went from fat guy to fit guy, I eat totally healthier - because this practice beats the hell out of me - no appetite for bagels, ice cream, fast food ... instead now I crave fruit (and fruity dudes) and club soda w/lime, etc. And I guess it's good for the mind. Crazy part is I stand straighter.

Totally recommend jumping seriously (not dipping a toe in) into hot yoga and to take a pragmatic approach - want to get fit. All the trappings will follow suit.
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I care more about straight up physical fitness.

If you're looking for yoga videos, I know Amazon has quite a few that stream free for Prime members (and a lot of other exercise videos, too).

Personally, I don't have the attention span for yoga, and I'm cursed with the urge to laugh when yoga instructors try to get all spiritual and everyone starts om-ing and namaste-ing.

In terms of flexibility/strength building, though, you get roughly the same thing from a good contortion class. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a human Gumby to get a lot out of the classes. I would recommend going for a Russian instructor over a Chinese one, though. I've taken classes by instructors from both backgrounds, and without exception, the Chinese instructors were always into forcing the stretch and making you hurt (and not in a good way). The Russian ones were more into mastering muscle tension and retraining your muscles to realize they can stretch more than they normally do. Look up Pavel Tsatsouline + flexibility if you're interested. He has at least one book on the topic that's pretty good.

Aerial yoga is another fun option, and usually a bit less serious in tone. If you're short, this is a good option - a lot of people say they gain half an inch or an inch in height after doing it consistently over a year or two.

[ame=""]Aerial Yoga by Alessandra Machemer - YouTube[/ame]

And if you have a girlfriend/wife/partner, acro yoga is super hot :)

[ame=""]Acro Yoga by Equinox - YouTube[/ame]
Attend vinyasa hot yoga. don't waste your time on videos.

Vinyasa will get you fit. I train a fair bit but without yoga i would have plateaued a year ago.

it removes soreness from training and sitting on my ass.

i thought i was strong until i started yoga, it's crazy humbling.

lol for a bunch of so-called marketers you guys are very easily marketed to with some sappy story.

For a self proclaimed marketer you seemingly don't get that understanding marketing doesn't make you immune to being marketed to. Also you do know right, not all marketing is bullshit... there is such a thing as an honest product/service endorsement.
Yoga, daily stretching are good but what is really really really important is doing L11 by JD it was the single most important thing I've added to my physical routine. Got rid of all my lower back pain, restless quad muscles, opened up my groin and hammies.
Originally Posted by JoseArmando View Post
Personally I hit the gym 4-5 times + cardio (bicycle) 3-5 times a week but this video still rocks my world
Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation! - YouTube
How in the hell does that video have 1,300 dislikes? Just goes to show how retarded people really are.

people dont like ddp because they feel like he used this guys story and rode his coat tail to dvd sale success. thats why he got shot down on shark tank and called out.

lucky break for him since ddp did nothing revolutionary at all with ddp yoga. same yoga moves, different names, sprinkled with broscience
Yoga, daily stretching are good but what is really really really important is doing L11 by JD it was the single most important thing I've added to my physical routine. Got rid of all my lower back pain, restless quad muscles, opened up my groin and hammies.

What is L11 by JD?
For a self proclaimed marketer you seemingly don't get that understanding marketing doesn't make you immune to being marketed to. Also you do know right, not all marketing is bullshit... there is such a thing as an honest product/service endorsement.

Nice ASSumption. Where do I state that I'm immune to marketing tactics? I love to be marketed too. I don't claim to be the smartest or the best marketer in the world. I just think its funny that you can't see that video is an obvious marketing ploy to sell DDP's Yoga training material.
Originally Posted by JoseArmando View Post
Personally I hit the gym 4-5 times + cardio (bicycle) 3-5 times a week but this video still rocks my world
Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation! - YouTube
How in the hell does that video have 1,300 dislikes? Just goes to show how retarded people really are.

people dont like ddp because they feel like he used this guys story and rode his coat tail to dvd sale success. thats why he got shot down on shark tank and called out.

lucky break for him since ddp did nothing revolutionary at all with ddp yoga. same yoga moves, different names, sprinkled with broscience
I'm not sure what people you're talking about here unless they're just grossly misinformed (like you seem to be, no offense), but DDP Yoga was around for quite a while before Arthur's story took off.

Here's a thread on another forum that details a lot of the shit that DDP went through to help Scott Hall and Jake Roberts over the past year or so: DDP doing some great things. - Wrestling -- Two Plus Two Poker Forums

Looks like DDP is pretty popular.

How'd it change your life? srs.

It just got me in a lot better shape with a lot more energy and a lot more motivation in a fairly short amount of time. I was in okay shape before at 5'9" 175 lbs with a decent amount of muscle for my frame, but a month into DDPYoga and I could tell a major difference. I'm able to do more work in less time because I very rarely get distracted for long periods of time anymore, and it's something that happened within weeks of starting a combination of DDPYoga and the diet recommendations that come with it.

The diet recommendations come in stages also so you can start off slowly and get more into it as you get used to the first levels of changing things.

The idea was originally put together to give guys a less gay outlet for yoga. There is a lot of emphasis on keeping your heart rate inside of a certain range so that you're not pushing yourself too hard while also giving your body a good workout. There's a lot of strength-building, and it's less on the "let's be bendy" side of things.

He also has a fairly hot adopted daughter:

[ame=""]Brittany Page Shows You How to Increase Your Flexibility with DDP YOGA! - DDPtv - YouTube[/ame]

Their YouTube channel is full of all kinds of fun shit too including the progression for Scott Hall, Jake Roberts and a number of other people.

As far as their marketing goes, it really has two main components. The first is being more geared towards guys not only with the way it's presented but also by the actual content and the way that things have been changed from what you typically think of as yoga. The second is about real success stories with real people, many of which were thought to be lost causes before DDP reached out.