

New member
Apr 29, 2010
I'm a full time programmer now and I work 100% remote and my body is starting to break down. I already know I'm going to start running again, but that's not going to solve some of my main problems.

Now that I'm sitting all day my back hurts, and my muscles get real tight. I've been doing some research and a lot of programmers say that yoga is the best and has completely changed their lives. Not just for the physical benefits, but for the mental clarity as well.

I'm looking at yoga torrents right now on pirate bay because I'd like to be able to wake up super early in the morning and get some yoga in without leaving my house.

Here's PB's selection:

I know that in the past some of you guys have mentioned doing yoga. I'm looking for stuff that's real and not filled with guru BS or yoga for pregnant chicks.

Any specific type of yoga or torrents or DVD's that you guys could recommend?

Yoga ass for your help thanks bros:









Personally I hit the gym 4-5 times + cardio (bicycle) 3-5 times a week but this video still rocks my world
Yoga is great. Find a good local instructor and take some classes before doing stuff on your own, imo.

The concept of prehab, strengthening stabilizers, and active injury prevention is lost on most people who were never involved in a serious athletics program or who studied sports medicine on their own. Ironically, it would help most people out FAR more than some time on the treadmill or in the weight room will.
I do bikram yoga about 3-5 times a week, usually at noon. I guess it's difficult, but so is long distance running at the start. Once your body gets used to it it's not so bad. Usually the room is filled with hot women and a fruitcake or two.

I'd look into it.
Yoga is kind of lame, but I think yoga pants are the greatest thing mankind has ever invented, even better than penicillin and computers.
Can't argue with Yoga if you can fit it in, but the no-brainer for you is to switch to a stand up desk. Your life will never be the same (and it will be 10x better 20-50 years from now)
I started doing yoga in the morning a couple of weeks ago and it's made a noticeable difference in my stress levels.

I bought some DVDs with Rodney Yee on Amazon and they've been easy to follow.

Which ones did you buy?

Looks like he has a ton.
I workout everyday and I started doing hot yoga on Saturdays and its hard as fuck, but I feel great after. Everyone could use the stretching (insert gay joke) and heat therapy is proven to have a ton of benefits including increasing HGH and test, which all us internet pussies need more of.
Yoga is great. As mentioned, there are lots of hot women in the classes, or if that doesn't work out, at least you'll eventually be flexible enough to suck your own dick.
1. Standing desk. It'll solve all your problems.

2. Hit the gym, lift the weights. Follow the stronglifts 5x5 routine exactly. It's extremely easy and enjoyable, and you'll get buff very fast. The deadlifts and squats especially will straighten your back.

good luck bro