Yay!!! ALL kids are covered under health care reform - NOT

You wouldn't know basic economics if it bit you in the ass. So go to school because I "belive" you'll be sorry when I awaken from my liberal generosity and
start voting for tax cuts instead of more funding for your double wide....

Yep that makes sense.

If your saying i need more "Schooling", on somthing very basic then... lol. Its fucking simple, if you cut taxes you create jobs. How the fuck do you not understand that? Are you mental?

Its fucking simple, if you cut taxes you create jobs. How the fuck do you not understand that? Are you mental?
Ok, I get the idea now that you're (note: not YOUR) explaining things in decent English. So to your point, are there any specific stats/data that you would like to reference proving your economics theories? Facts always help rather than just spewing economic theories.
Ok, I get the idea now that you're (note: not YOUR) explaining things in decent English. So to your point, are there any specific stats/data that you would like to reference proving your economics theories? Facts always help rather than just spewing economic theories.

Fuck me, it doesnt take a harvard education to understand somthing that basic. I dont need to have data or, statistics to know its cold outside and i should put on a jacket dumbfuck. Common sense is somthing that cant be taught. Obiously you lack common sense to a degree beyond any textbook education can prodive.

If i could get on youtube i would provide you with a video ron paul saying to suspend the income tax for 3-4 years, and he lays out keypoints that even a floride drinking moron like you can understand.

And yes folks, i did take the gloves off for this one.
This thread is now about camels.

Fuck me, it doesnt take a harvard education to understand somthing that basic.
Somebody should get out the sock puppet and explain the facts of the bill to Josh using simple words. Or maybe he's just willfully ignorant, which is worse than uninformed.

Yes, you are retarded, and it is your right. :anon.sml:
Fuck me, it doesnt take a harvard education to understand somthing that basic. I dont need to have data or, statistics to know its cold outside and i should put on a jacket dumbfuck. Common sense is somthing that cant be taught. Obiously you lack common sense to a degree beyond any textbook education can prodive.

If i could get on youtube i would provide you with a video ron paul saying to suspend the income tax for 3-4 years, and he lays out keypoints that even a floride drinking moron like you can understand.

And yes folks, i did take the gloves off for this one.

Hey man I found this cool link, you can get on youtube with it:
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
SeaTownJosh, do you really think you are that much more clever than everyone who has responded to you that they can't even understand your 'basic economics'. Your 'basic economics' equate to a scientist saying 'it rains because water falls out of clouds'.

I've read your posts, my verdict: retard.
Just recently my son-in-law had to have surgery on his foot. The bill, including operation in private hospital & 1 night's stay was $1850, of which he only had to pay $130 cash.

I don't know the exact amount that would be here in the US, it really depends on what type of foot surgery, if the patient is out or not, etc...but in most all cases it would be above $10,000.
I'd be down for an arrangement like this. Operative word being 'choose'.

The thing is - the insurance companies want health insurance to be mandatory if they have to accept high risk applicants. Because of this, they need to spread the risk to as many people as possible.

We pretty much have mandatory auto insurance in every US statee. Why aren't you out protesting that?
SeaTownJosh, do you really think you are that much more clever than everyone who has responded to you that they can't even understand your 'basic economics'. Your 'basic economics' equate to a scientist saying 'it rains because water falls out of clouds'.

I've read your posts, my verdict: retard.

We pretty much have mandatory auto insurance in every US statee. Why aren't you out protesting that?

This liberal talking point has been so literally beat to death. If you don't know the difference between voluntary purchase of insurance and Obama using the IRS thugs to force you to purchase insurance, I refuse to keep answering it.
OM-Jesus. Every other country in the world that is worth living in has some sort of health care. Britain does it best, NHS + private. If you are going to make a stand against big gubment, is health care for sick and poor people really your soapbox? What about bailing out gigantic financial institutions and invading foreign nations to steal resources? But I digress...