Yay!!! ALL kids are covered under health care reform - NOT

Nice misleading title bro

Full protection for children would not come until 2014, said Kate Cyrul, a spokeswoman for the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, another panel that authored the legislation. That’s the same year when insurance companies could no longer deny coverage to any person on account of health problems.
Even if it did cover kids isnt a reason to fuck up medicine.

Free markets drives competition, competition breeds low prices, low prices is a win win for everybody. More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries. Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry. So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.
Even if it did cover kids isnt a reason to fuck up medicine.

Free markets drives competition, competition breeds low prices, low prices is a win win for everybody. More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries. Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry. So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.

It blows my mind that people as dumb as you can survive. I'd be cautious not paying taxes and complaining so much, once Facebook catches on to your ewhoring and you can't get a job due to your lack of cognitive ability you'll be relying on unemployment, paid for by non-retarded tax payers like myself.
It blows my mind that people as dumb as you can survive. I'd be cautious not paying taxes and complaining so much, once Facebook catches on to your ewhoring and you can't get a job due to your lack of cognitive ability you'll be relying on unemployment, paid for by non-retarded tax payers like myself.

What The Fuck are you talking about douche!!!!, i dont e-whore. I create autoblogs, i use facebook friend bomber to grow friend count then create fan pages on various niches. A new page i just created with little promotion already has 370 fans in a 1 1/2 days. I sell amazon products using ezine, and i sell links on digital point (remember my post on that).

I have done one e-whoring method when i was just starting out if you could call it e-whoring. I would give the method out but i plan on selling it in a ebook i might write. It worked well made 250$ off of it.

Do you know what the fuck you are talking about? I would debate you but just like most liberals facts dont seem to mater. And no im not a republican im a ron paul libertarian.
Nice misleading title bro



Pass it now, pay for 4 years, then all children will be covered.

Guess what? ALL CHILDREN for the most part are covered now with this little thing called medicaid, if their parents are not able to provide them with insurance.

Cool Bill Bros.
Even if it did cover kids isnt a reason to fuck up medicine.

Free markets drives competition, competition breeds low prices, low prices is a win win for everybody. More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries. Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry. So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.

free market = price goes up 800% if you have cancer? lol you lol

compare US medicine prices to other countries and you will realize... that you are getting ripped off by your "free market" that is reigned by non-compete agreements that are set up behind the scene between insurance companies.

WF has become a horde of fox-news preaching morons. Dayum.
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It blows my mind that people as dumb as you can survive. I'd be cautious not paying taxes and complaining so much, once Facebook catches on to your ewhoring and you can't get a job due to your lack of cognitive ability you'll be relying on unemployment, paid for by non-retarded tax payers like myself.

Actually unemployment insurance is funded by a tax paid by employers. If you don't employ anyone then you don't pay the tax. However your tax dollars are going to pay for the libfuck unemployment extension that was passed recently.
The Blogmocracy left out some details...

Late Tuesday, the administration said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would try to resolve the situation by issuing new regulations. The Obama administration interprets the law to mean that kids can't be denied coverage, as the president has said repeatedly.

"To ensure that there is no ambiguity on this point, the secretary of HHS is preparing to issue regulations next month making it clear that the term 'pre-existing exclusion' applies to both a child's access to a plan and his or her benefits once he or she is in the plan for all plans newly sold in this country six months from today," HHS spokesman Nick Papas said.

Parents whose kids are turned down by an insurer would still have a fallback under the law, even without Sebelius' fix. They could seek coverage through state high-risk insurance pools slated for a major infusion of federal funds.

The high-risk pools are intended to serve as a backstop until 2014, when insurers no longer would be able to deny coverage to those in frail health.

An insurance industry group says the language in the law that pertains to consumer protections for kids is difficult to parse.

"We're taking a closer look at it to see what exactly the requirement will be," said Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for America's Health Insurance Plans, the main industry lobby.
I wonder how many idiots are sitting in waiting rooms right now demanding their free health care 'from the gubment'

This lady definitely is

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!![/ame]

Fuck, maybe not though? I'm sure she was getting gubment insurance before. She's probably waiting for the equal housing and automobile reform.
More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries.
I'll be the first to say, what the fuck did you just write?

Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry.
Again, not following.

So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.

Holy shit you are dumb. Once you can form a coherent English sentence, get back to us.

There are Indians on DP who have better English than you do.
Everything I've read about the state of healthcare in the US makes it seem like one giant clusterfuck. Past & present.
How hard is it for one of the wealthiest nations in the world to provide blanket healthcare for all it's citizens regardless of colour, creed or income. Surely an equitable balance can be reached where the tax to support such a system is fair and socially responsible.

Probably first thing would be to take private insurers out of the decision process of who gets treatment & who doesn't. That's like having the fox watch over the hen house.

I pay a healthcare tax of 1.5% of my income over the $50k threshold & 1% under, which gives me full access to the public health system. Plus I choose to pay $140/mth into a private health plan which is deductible.
Now I'm not going to say our hospital system doesn't have warts, it certainly does, but for the most part it does a pretty good job of looking after all citizens.

e.g. My mother, a pensioner, needed emergency triple bypass surgery a few years back. All that was covered including air ambulance.
Just recently my son-in-law had to have surgery on his foot. The bill, including operation in private hospital & 1 night's stay was $1850, of which he only had to pay $130 cash.
Even if it did cover kids isnt a reason to fuck up medicine.

Free markets drives competition, competition breeds low prices, low prices is a win win for everybody. More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries. Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry. So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.

mhhh i maybe YOU know how babby is formed?
I'd be down for an arrangement like this. Operative word being 'choose'.

I think the difference between Aus & US system is that if I choose not to pay private health insurance, I'm still covered under the public healthcare system. That's what the 1-1.5% healthcare tax is for.

And even if I don't have a job, or I'm a dependent, pensioner whatever, I'm still covered. Sure, some % of the population are serial scroungers, but I don't mind covering them through tax, for the greater benefit of everyone.

As for why then take out Private health cover, it just gives me more perks & options. And is deductible.
Even if it did cover kids isnt a reason to fuck up medicine.

Free markets drives competition, competition breeds low prices, low prices is a win win for everybody. More jobs are create from that competition. Money is spent from those jobs. From those jobs creates growth. Grow grows industries. Instead of housing being a 50 billion dollar industry it becomes a 150 billion dollar industry. So is your had 15% market share but you have a 5% market share, Nothing has change your still making the same amout of money, just more people get a slice of the pie. Plus since everything cost less, and the federal reserve isnt printing trillions of dollars you actualy have more money.

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I'll be the first to say, what the fuck did you just write?

Again, not following.


Holy shit you are dumb. Once you can form a coherent English sentence, get back to us.

There are Indians on DP who have better English than you do.

Ya i probably should read over what i write, not try to type it as fast as possible while i try to talk to clients about link sales.

I was just trying to tell these liberals basic economics, if you lower taxes, more jobs will be created. If more jobs are created in the private sector then more people will have more money. If people have more money... well i belive you get my point from here.
Ya i probably should read over what i write, not try to type it as fast as possible while i try to talk to clients about link sales.

I was just trying to tell these liberals basic economics, if you lower taxes, more jobs will be created. If more jobs are created in the private sector then more people will have more money. If people have more money... well i belive you get my point from here.

You wouldn't know basic economics if it bit you in the ass. So go to school because I "belive" you'll be sorry when I awaken from my liberal generosity and
start voting for tax cuts instead of more funding for your double wide....

Some of actually employ people instead of talking about empirically disproved theories that lack any kind of paint-by-numbers rationality...