Yahoo Answers - How to make Money?

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New member
Mar 29, 2007
How does someone use Yahoo Answers to make cash (or traffic)? I heard about someone doing it but wasn't filled in on the details.

Yep, it's pretty self-explanatory. You can't come off as a spammer if you don't wanna get banned. Otherwise create accounts over and over
Or you create a few different accounts. Ask questions related to your niche. Give an answer to your site with a different account. Let a few other people stick some answers on there, then choose your answer as the best answer.

Personally haven't tried it, but I do have a project coming up that I think this would be perfect for.
I've heard of a few people making a good amount of money from Yahoo Answers but every time i read about it, it seems to require more work then its worth.
I used to use it to push zip/email submits.
Its a huge pain in the ass and the interface isnt spam friendly.

Good for building links though.
It's a pain. I was having success for a while, but it quickly became evident that it was more of a chore than it was worth. I still recieve a decent amount of traffic from the answers I've answered, though.
Its actually quiet easy, of course you have to know a little bit about the subject matter.

Ive gotten picked a couple times now for best answer in the Credit area, I always link to my site Credit Cards for every situation - Browse our Credit Card Offers - Yahoo Answers used to be much much better before they went to nofollow links because they could pass PR....

Getting best answer can get you a decent amount of traffic, there were some days I was getting 50% of my traffic from Yahoo Answers, of course that only came out to be like 20-30 people a day (I know, my site sucks) but its better then nothing and relatively simple

Just steal the answer of someone else, tack on a couple more sentences, reword it, your gold..
1. get proxy 200-300 IP's
2.write a script that makes yahoo accounts
3. scrape questions and answers from somewhere else
4. post the question using the scraped question, account and proxy
5. wait x amount of time
6. post the answer using another scraped answer with your affiliate link, a different account and different proxy.
7. Have you different accounts vote for your own answers

Pick the right niches and you should be able to make some coin. With enough proxies you should be able to post unlimited things all day long. Just make sure you have decent content scraped from a different question answer place.

And 800$/day isn't worth the time. I think you can do much better then that with the right tools and creative ideas.
1. get proxy 200-300 IP's
2.write a script that makes yahoo accounts
3. scrape questions and answers from somewhere else
4. post the question using the scraped question, account and proxy
5. wait x amount of time
6. post the answer using another scraped answer with your affiliate link, a different account and different proxy.
7. Have you different accounts vote for your own answers

Pick the right niches and you should be able to make some coin. With enough proxies you should be able to post unlimited things all day long. Just make sure you have decent content scraped from a different question answer place.

And 800$/day isn't worth the time. I think you can do much better then that with the right tools and creative ideas.

Contextually matching your affiliate link with the answer could be a challenge.

I guess if you were promoting hostgator, you could search for answers with hostgator/other webhosts in them and replace that with your link. But volume would really be the hardest part.

This process seems not too feasible. You could scrape Google Answers I guess (oh the irony), but like I said - the affiliate link matching would be tough. The amount of questions related to your promotion is limited as it is.
chat I don't think you read my post.... you'd scrape questions and answers based on searches for whatever niche you wanted to promote so it would be very targetted.... I'm not going to put hosting spam on a mortgage question if you know what I mean.
chat I don't think you read my post.... you'd scrape questions and answers based on searches for whatever niche you wanted to promote so it would be very targetted.... I'm not going to put hosting spam on a mortgage question if you know what I mean.

relevant black hat.
chat I don't think you read my post.... you'd scrape questions and answers based on searches for whatever niche you wanted to promote so it would be very targetted.... I'm not going to put hosting spam on a mortgage question if you know what I mean.

Right but I'm saying the amount of questions/answers in a niche would most likely be very limited.
Cool idea smaxor, could you explain the 1st step to my dumb ass?

get proxy 200-300 IP's

Chat, being as you're posting the "questions" as well as the "answers" it's limited only to the questions you can find on the internet... think there might be a few?

Proxies are things that you can send you traffic through so that it looks like it isn't coming from where it is.

yourserver-> proxy-> destinationserver ( answers in the caase )

You can use free proxies but for the best success I say buy or setup your own. Proxies are needed because you don't want to be voting for your own post with the same IP, they block against that.
1. get proxy 200-300 IP's
2.write a script that makes yahoo accounts
3. scrape questions and answers from somewhere else
4. post the question using the scraped question, account and proxy
5. wait x amount of time
6. post the answer using another scraped answer with your affiliate link, a different account and different proxy.
7. Have you different accounts vote for your own answers

Pick the right niches and you should be able to make some coin. With enough proxies you should be able to post unlimited things all day long. Just make sure you have decent content scraped from a different question answer place.

And 800$/day isn't worth the time. I think you can do much better then that with the right tools and creative ideas.

Listen to this man! :)
Chat, being as you're posting the "questions" as well as the "answers" it's limited only to the questions you can find on the internet... think there might be a few?

Proxies are things that you can send you traffic through so that it looks like it isn't coming from where it is.

yourserver-> proxy-> destinationserver ( answers in the caase )

You can use free proxies but for the best success I say buy or setup your own. Proxies are needed because you don't want to be voting for your own post with the same IP, they block against that.

But you need to relevantly work your affiliate URL into the answers. What would be the best way to go about that?
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