Yahoo ads not performing

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New member
Oct 12, 2006
Currently, I'm using YPN and my ads are actually surprising relevant to my niche, yet I'm not getting many clicks (average 4-5 per day), and this only equates to around $0.50 - $0.80 per day. Also with adbrite I'm getting a meager $0.30-$0.50 per day.

I have pretty decent traffic, around 700 unique per day and 3,000 impressions. What are your suggestions for marketing the site a little better? Should I try another affiliate program? (I can't use google because they unfairly banned me for "fraudulent clicks" -_-).

Is the current revenue i'm generating about what I should be getting or should I probably be getting more with this amount of traffic?

Little more detail to that.

He's right ad placement. If your site is designed anything like any other..
>The top of a page and what is found on the top (logo, etc) draw in the user and make them want to read the website more, a simple ad spot to the sid eof your logo attracts attention, even better if it "blends" in
>Ads on the side dont work! The user gets drawn in and reads on, they look on the sides for more pages and navigation once there hooked, not ads.
Im not sure why this is. I can blend Yahoo ads much better than adsense, but the adsense seem to perform better all around.

YPN ads seem to pay more per click, but the click rate is usually much lower than the click rates I get using Adsense.
Do you know your ads are targeted well? One of the main problems...well, maybe the main problem I have with them is that they don't target their ads very well. In fact, I would give them 3 out of 10 while adsense an 8 or 9 out of 10 on targeting.
My site is here and suggest me alternate places that I may place my ads, I can't think of somewhere else.

Site is in my signature.
I'm just a noob but I noticed that you cannot see most of your ad space on either side. You have to scroll down to see them. Plus ads in those spots don't do well Im told. You might want a bigger one in the middle to get people's attention.
entertainment site + poor blending + bad topic + bad size + bad placement = low earnings
+1 for bad ad placement.

At least put them above the fold.

true, I only have one set of ads above the fold, but several other content pages besides the main page have ads that are quite visible. For example, our video player and image galleries.

Although I would like better earnings, I also think that the appeal of the site layout and the user friendliness should come first, which is why I've opted not to include huge, annoying, and invasive ads on our main page. I am going for the most professional looking site as possible.

But no one has answered my other question, is the revenue I'm earning now about what I should be earning or should I be earning more considering the amount of visitors I get?
You definitely should be making more, but if you are not willing to listen to the advice above I'm not sure how you are going to improve it.
You definitely should be making more, but if you are not willing to listen to the advice above I'm not sure how you are going to improve it.

I'm willing, but I still want to maintain a balance between revenue and user satisfaction. For now, I have the ads better blended into other content pages and I will experiment to find a better way to incorporate the ads on the main page.

Thanks for all your input, and any more input would be appreciated as well.

Also, how much more income do you think I should be generating at my current status?

One more question, do you think a CPM based ad might be better suited to my needs?
Remember the goal of the site is to give the visitor as few options as possible. Either click an ad or leave. If you provide too much info he may not see a need to click a ad since he already found what he was looking for. I use scrambed affiliate links so it isnt useful to the visitor but still counds as content and makes moeny since it contains affilaite links.
I designed an alternate version of my homepage, which can be found here.

Tell me, is this ad placement effective? Or is it still not incorporated well. Also give me your opinions on whether this ad makes the site as a whole look worse or better.
I designed an alternate version of my homepage, which can be found here.

Tell me, is this ad placement effective? Or is it still not incorporated well. Also give me your opinions on whether this ad makes the site as a whole look worse or better.

still pretty bad and cluttered.
It just isn't a design to bring in good CTR, what else is there to say?
I think your site has way too many tabs/links/channels/areas to go. You have tabs way up top, then right below are more tabs. Then on the left are yet more links and most seem to be the same as the ones above. Is there really a need for two sets of links to the same place? then on the right you have all those Top 5 lists which don't really serve any purpose. In the middle, you have two columns for news. Not sure why or what the difference is between them. I aslo don't think the list of latest forum topics is needed on the front page, especially if its all the way down the bottom.

Consolidating some of those tabs/links and getting rid of some of the various boxes would make the site much cleaner, easier for someone to navigate and allows the eye to flow where you want it(advertising) rather than get overloaded by all the options. the first itme I saw your site, I had no idea where to go or what the hell was going on. Its just too much.

Hope that helps.
I have nothing since I'm a noob and don't make money, but this guy does make money, Steve Pavlina.

If you do decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. Don’t just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere. If you’re going to request donations, then really request donations. Don’t put up a barely visible “Donate” link and pray for the best. If you’re going to sell products, then really sell them. Create or acquire the best quality products you can, and give your visitors compelling reasons to buy. If you’re going to do this, then fully commit to it. Don’t take a half-assed approach. Either be full-assed or no-assed.

How to make money from your blog (Steve's full post on the subject)

Even though I may not know how to make money, I know to pay attention to those who ARE making money!
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