Xrumer SEO 450k blast - 33.6% success rate

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LInK BuiLdEr
Nov 15, 2009
In my own world
Rating - 100%
12   0   0

I would like to introduce you to my new service of Xrumer. As all of you know Xrumer is the most powerful link building tool available today, with its flexibility it takes the long tedious task of gaining backlinks and helps automate the whole process.

Our rates and services:

1. 450k Blast Package A

We will blast your site to 450,000+ Forums, Blogs etc..

Targeting your chosen keywords, which will increase your Search Engine Rank Positions & provide an Instant Traffic Increase.

Site Name: Domain
Site URL: Domain.com
Anchor Text: 2 - 10 Keywords
Post Title: (optional)
Post Message: 2 - 3 Lines of Promotional Text

Text can be provided in Spun Format,

Example: {Hi|Hey|Hello}, How are you? I'm {Fine|Good|Well}

Spun Format Will Increase Your Success Rates & Prevent Your Posts being Detected as Duplicate Content.

Total Cost - 60$

2. 450k blast package B

Xrumer - Profile Only - 450K BLAST

IF you have recently launched your site and looking to use xrumer, however don't want to risk your site being sandboxed.

We suggest running a Profile Only Campaign,

This will promote your site in a less blackhat manner, while still gaining backlinks which in turn will increase rankings.

Please note that with profile only campaigns, these take a lot longer to see results.

Site Name: Domain
Site URL: Domain.com
Anchor Text: 2 - 10 Keywords

Total Cost: 45$


What is Xrumer?
Xrumer is the most powerful link building tool available today, with its flexibility it takes the long tedious task of gaining backlinks and helps automate the whole process.

Will Google Ban Me?
If by using xrumer you could get a site banned from Google, then competitors would xrumer away to get there competition banned, So the answer to this myth is certainly not.

However new, unestablished sites without existing backlinks or PR can get sandboxed by Google, But again by doing a little manual work and gaining some quality High PR links to your site will get your site out of Google sandbox.

Can I Promote Multiple URL's?
Yes, However this will lower your success rate, also you must provide them in the following format: {http://www.domain.com|http://www.domain.com}

Can I Promote LinkWheels / Blogs
Yes, However again as above the urls have to be provided in the following format: {http://www.domain.com|http://www.domain.com}

Will My Host Suspend My Hosting Account?
This is rare, however some hosts are very tight on spam and may suspend your account if you are reported for spam.

How to make Payment?
I am accepting only paypal at the moment.

Current turnaround time?

24-96 hours. Also, depending on the number of order we get from here the deadline may vary from customer to customer.

Looking to get some orders. If any further queries kindly ask via Pm.

thank you.

Say what? So my posts, which are more than yours, and my itrader, which is more than yours isn't reputable?

On top of that, I run my own successful thread.

It's cool though, you need to ask around of those who I use their services, and see how many times I repeat a purchase.

Good luck to you.
Please don't take it seriously. There are no hard feelings between us. It's just that a more creditable review will help me with the sales. This is how things work out here.
Well I had my free review copy request all nicely written up with smileys and everything but now I want to just go post 1200 more times to get myself qualified for it

Good luck bro
I'm ordering the package below.


2. 450k blast package B

Xrumer - Profile Only - 450K BLAST

IF you have recently launched your site and looking to use xrumer, however don't want to risk your site being sandboxed.

We suggest running a Profile Only Campaign,

This will promote your site in a less blackhat manner, while still gaining backlinks which in turn will increase rankings.

Please note that with profile only campaigns, these take a lot longer to see results.

Site Name: Domain
Site URL: Domain.com
Anchor Text: 2 - 10 Keywords
Can you explain why anyone should order from you when all you do is offer the same service as offered directly at xrumerseo.com with a $10 surcharge?

Even the sales pitch is identical. Yet, you charge more while presenting it as a deal for the users of this board.
I'm ordering the package below.


2. 450k blast package B

Xrumer - Profile Only - 450K BLAST

IF you have recently launched your site and looking to use xrumer, however don't want to risk your site being sandboxed.

We suggest running a Profile Only Campaign,

This will promote your site in a less blackhat manner, while still gaining backlinks which in turn will increase rankings.

Please note that with profile only campaigns, these take a lot longer to see results.

Site Name: Domain
Site URL: Domain.com
Anchor Text: 2 - 10 Keywords

Can you explain why anyone should order from you when all you do is offer the same service as offered directly at xrumerseo.com with a $10 surcharge?

Even the sales pitch is identical. Yet, you charge more while presenting it as a deal for the users of this board.

Interesting. I'll use xrumerseo instead, dude is obviously just outsourcing this to them.
Contacted me about the review. I guess he changed his mind and found me worthy :banana_sml:

I'll get back to you all, and yes the above sounds interesting...
Can you explain why anyone should order from you when all you do is offer the same service as offered directly at xrumerseo.com with a $10 surcharge?

Even the sales pitch is identical. Yet, you charge more while presenting it as a deal for the users of this board.

holy giant fail batman.
I am closing the service. Thank you.


this whole thread just reminded me of Wayne's World when Wayne and Garth go to the bar, and the Shitty Beatles are playing, "it's not just a clever name".

obscure reference...brought up by the OP being named retard.
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