xrumer 1,000 backlink blast review copies targetted and untargetted

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B 4 I Fu Ru 18

New member
Aug 27, 2009
Rating - 0%
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I'm offering 'review copies' to the first 10 posts to ask for them.

Every person gets 1,000 backlinks, whether they be targetted or not. Upon the xrumer completion I will e-mail you the .txt generated at the end with your successful links.

What I need from you. I'm only offering this to senior members, and members with more than 10 posts

username: the username you'd like to use on either a blog or forum
website: your website backlink and anchor you'd like to target
post title: if you are posting to a forum, I need the post title
post: I need the post content for either blog or forum.

if you have any comments feel free to add to them in this thread.

remember I'm only blasting 1,000 URLs per member. If you have any questions feel free to post in this thread.

damn, I'll make a nice review? :338:

seriously though, I'll provide a detailed review upon completion.
Hmm If I don't know what targets, can you find adequate targets so the blasts don't look random and close to my niche?
Hello kind sir, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

and take a review copy.

Pming you right now
damn, I'll make a nice review? :338:

seriously though, I'll provide a detailed review upon completion.

I'll consider doing a blast for you, first I'll take care of those who meet the points I detailed.

Hmm If I don't know what targets, can you find adequate targets so the blasts don't look random and close to my niche?

Definitely, I'll reply to your PM in a moment.

I'll take a review

Sounds good, i'll reply to your PM as well.

Hello kind sir, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

and take a review copy.

Pming you right now

Hello, sir kind. Got your PM replying to it momentarily.
i can haz review copy pl0x? :D

seriously though, it would be great if you'd consider me for a review copy.

Very nice..how much for a regular non-review copy blast?

quick update -

I've done a blast for jelm, and scattered. Hope to see a review from them sometime soon.

That being said I have 2 more blasts in queue and 6 more spots available. Feel free to PM me your details.
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