Xbox One or PS4?

MS's PR has been absolute dog shit since they announced the console. It's $100 more expensive, and weaker (specs wise) than the PS4 on a basic level. There's been a lot of rumors about the console in general being thrown together at the last minute. About every two or three days, someone at MS or affiliated with them says something completely ridiculous on Twitter or in an article. Sony has literally just said the exact opposite of whatever MS said and they look like angels. It's going to be an interesting console cycle for sure.

As for you, personally, I have a PS4 I'm scalping, but I would wait until Jan-Marchish until all the bugs get worked out. Xbone is clearly launching too early, and MS and Sony are both rumored to have some issues with XBL/PSN respectively. Also, if you get a xbone, enjoy your 720p crossplatform games.

Dont ask me how I know this but the software isnt done on the 1. Expect it to have a major patch at least, perhaps worse. It may not even be ready on launch. Unlikely, but possible.

I think I'm going to stick with my original unit:

PC master race here... c'mon join us, we're fun and we have cookies.

I set a total budget of $1k for my setup. Spent a little under $800 on my rig, $100 on a new 23" monitor and another $100 for some Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 speakers. Picked up generic USB ps3 and xbox controllers too.

My specs:
six core AMD FX-6300 Vishera 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo)
Asus M5A97 motherboard
Nvidia GTX 660 Ti 2GB GDDR5 graphics card
got extra cooling too

It's a mid-tier system that I'm very happy with. I can play pretty much all the current and past games on high/max graphics. New games I'll probably be able to play on at least medium graphics settings for the next year or 2. Although, I plan to upgrade when Star Citizen comes out.

My point is you don't have to spend a fortune to join the glorious PC master race. For just a little more than what you would spend on one of these new consoles and a few games, you can get a decent upgradable rig that you can do a lot more with.

Also, you can play PC games on your big screen TV easy. Just run a HDMI cable from your PC to your TV, grab a wireless controller (wireless mouse and keyboard are nice too) and you're in business. You can stream movies, porn, etc. to your TV the same way.