Xbox One or PS4?


Link Building Madman
Jan 20, 2007
Tucson, AZ
Which should I buy for holidays?



Or This?




XB1 Plays games in 720p PS4 plays games in 1080p

I plan on buying a PS4 because I have a nice tv that can play games in 1080p

I feel PSN network will offer greater value for what im paying for (free games, etc)

Game Selection.

Of course Shitbox will have its own console exclusive titles as well but I guess it all comes down to what games your really looking forward to.
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Why buy video game console?? When for the same amount of money you can buy Rolls Royce kit for your Nisan
I might wait to learn more about the steam box or consider upgrading PC, otherwise PS4 no question. Or nothing.. I don't game much anymore anyways.
They are both Basically PCs anyways.... hence why they have AMD x86 Cores and regular PC GPUS.... that tells me that it will SUPER easy to port games to windows. So in summary buy a PC or better yet. Build one.
Going to wait for reviews/bugs.
Usually waiting several months allows a price drop and a generally consensus of which console is superior.

Not gonna lie, PC games (especially those freemium games) are really fun nowadays.
All hail the glorious PC master race!

I understand why people buy consoles. They just want something they can plug in and work, but with steam, and "the big picture" mode, you can do the same thing pretty easily with a PC.

Buy PC.
Enjoy Steam sales.
For fucks sake, the question was PS4 or Xbox One.

I've a preorder on PS4, and I'll probably pickup a One for Titanfall. We should get our One dev kits by April too, so maybe just wait until we have a title out on One to get it.
MS's PR has been absolute dog shit since they announced the console. It's $100 more expensive, and weaker (specs wise) than the PS4 on a basic level. There's been a lot of rumors about the console in general being thrown together at the last minute. About every two or three days, someone at MS or affiliated with them says something completely ridiculous on Twitter or in an article. Sony has literally just said the exact opposite of whatever MS said and they look like angels. It's going to be an interesting console cycle for sure.

As for you, personally, I have a PS4 I'm scalping, but I would wait until Jan-Marchish until all the bugs get worked out. Xbone is clearly launching too early, and MS and Sony are both rumored to have some issues with XBL/PSN respectively. Also, if you get a xbone, enjoy your 720p crossplatform games.

Sony is only going to do better. You have PS+, free games monthly and the best JRPG titles (if you're into that).

To top it all off you're going to have an awesome selection of F2P games available online without a pay-wall.

Can't get any better than that.
For fucks sake, the question was PS4 or Xbox One.

I've a preorder on PS4, and I'll probably pickup a One for Titanfall. We should get our One dev kits by April too, so maybe just wait until we have a title out on One to get it.


The question was - do I get a PC or do I kill myself?

The answer - we love OP and we cordially invite him into the PC master race.
MS's PR has been absolute dog shit since they announced the console. It's $100 more expensive, and weaker (specs wise) than the PS4 on a basic level. There's been a lot of rumors about the console in general being thrown together at the last minute.

This is a really good point and MS could be heading for another disaster just like they did with the Surface tablet.