wysiwyg has got to be easier

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Worseless and lurking
Jan 22, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
I am nub, hear me roar. Anyways, I've been trying to develop my first ever site in Dreamweaver, and it's proving to be a pain in my ass since I know shit.

Does anybody know of any extremely newb friendly site builder programs out there? Something along the lines of GoDaddies Web Site Tonight crap they got? I'd just like to get at least a 1/2 way decent version of my site up until I'm more confident on Dreamweaver and the site building process in whole.

Not asking for technical help here, just a name or two of some decent programs to look up. Thanks in advance.

I agree, WP is a really easy route to go.

BUT, this stuff is not hard to pick up the basics. You should def spend some time picking apart whatever template you do go with. Figure out how the colors work, figure out how the headers work, figure out how everything works. In no time you'll have what you need to at least modify something to what you need.
That seems cool and all, but I already have a domain name and the hosting set up for this site. Wordpress sites are all in-house right? I mean, they provide you with the site and host it for you as well?
That seems cool and all, but I already have a domain name and the hosting set up for this site. Wordpress sites are all in-house right? I mean, they provide you with the site and host it for you as well?

They have 2 versions, one you can host yourself and they also have a free hosting version that your thinking about.
Pick up a book and learn the basics of HTML. Look for online resources. Go to a simple site and view the site's source. There are so many ways for you to learn the fundamentals.

Don't rely on a crappy program to do everything for you. WYSIWYG will only get you so far. If you tried, you'd be able to get the jist of it within a week.

As the others have mentioned, a CMS may be helpful if you're new to things and don't know where to start. You can start tweaking things little by little to learn different tags and the structure of HTML.
The book HTML for Dummies worked great for me back in 1995

And its probably the same, very easy to understand with that book.
i use NetObjects Fusion - not a bad program and pretty well done. Easy to make basic sites on it using their templates, etc. Is reasonalby priced too.

If you are looking to build something advanced though there are better programs out there.
Learning HTML really is no biggy.
For starters it's a few hours. Then you'll have to keep up the rest of your life.

Even if you use Wysiwig, HTML knowledge will give you more power.

yeah, if you want to learn do it as you go, like someone else mentioned, pick templates apart bit by bit... At least with Wordpress or some other CMS you will have something that looks decent up ASAP and hopefully making you money as you are learning the coding end of things. Everything you need to start working with wordpress, inside and out.....

Main Page « WordPress Codex
Thanks, I think some of you missed the plot though. I am still learning all of this, yes. But I was just looking for a simple prog to put something up and start earning while I get down the real deal.
Go with the wordpress route. It's an easy way to get a "site" up and running that has all the features you need with a nifty backend and tons of addons. WordPress › Download Just dl it, FTP it up, pick out a theme and you're rockin and rolling.
I learned HTML in a couple of weeks in 5th grade. It really is pretty easy.

It's the one language where buying a book may help, but there is no substitute for just busting open notepad and getting going.

Use sites like webmonkey.com or other HTML tutorials and you will be rolling in no time. In the end, you have to learn it with your own learning style, but it should come pretty quickly. HTML is not a complex language.

As you learn the HTML you will start to learn design principles and that will send you into CSS, and before you know it you'll be a master. :) Experience is the best teacher.
Well, thanks to everyone who helped me out thus far. And thanks to all the countless fucking hours of reading... But I finally got a site up using the WordPress template and hopefully it should start coming together a bit more soon.

Anyone interested in commenting it, please do. I don't have much there yet, but I'm trying to figure out some more code as we speak so I can get it all posted right. It's the site in my sig.
Pick up a book and learn the basics of HTML. Look for online resources. Go to a simple site and view the site's source. There are so many ways for you to learn the fundamentals.

Don't rely on a crappy program to do everything for you. WYSIWYG will only get you so far. If you tried, you'd be able to get the jist of it within a week.

As the others have mentioned, a CMS may be helpful if you're new to things and don't know where to start. You can start tweaking things little by little to learn different tags and the structure of HTML.

This is really good advice also look into learning basic CSS, which is just as easy to learn as HTML but don't forget that HTML is no longer around well ok it is but it's been revamped to XHTML so look up that too.

This may sound complicated but it isn't, I suggest learning the code first and then using the "What You See Is What You Get" editors because they are only good for certain basic things like writing text but don't take that advice because I write everything in HTML including my blog everything from the 302 redirect to regular text, including the CSS for design and layout.

Some people look at code and think fuck no one can understand this shit and give up but seriously learn the basics and keep at it because when you become more advanced you'll look back and say fuck that was nothing.

I've been in web development for the past 6 years and after you learn HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS then you'll get more into your programming needs for instance some people like to use PHP, I prefer ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX because it gives you the ability to program in both C++ and VB.NET but again I prefer VB.NET so much easier to use.

Anyone confused yet?

Well don't be hey if you really want to go old school you could learn BASIC which was later translated as:

Attempt to

Well not really but it works.
This is really good advice also look into learning basic CSS, which is just as easy to learn as HTML but don't forget that HTML is no longer around well ok it is but it's been revamped to XHTML so look up that too.

This may sound complicated but it isn't, I suggest learning the code first and then using the "What You See Is What You Get" editors because they are only good for certain basic things like writing text but don't take that advice because I write everything in HTML including my blog everything from the 302 redirect to regular text, including the CSS for design and layout.

Some people look at code and think fuck no one can understand this shit and give up but seriously learn the basics and keep at it because when you become more advanced you'll look back and say fuck that was nothing.

I've been in web development for the past 6 years and after you learn HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS then you'll get more into your programming needs for instance some people like to use PHP, I prefer ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX because it gives you the ability to program in both C++ and VB.NET but again I prefer VB.NET so much easier to use.

Anyone confused yet?

Well don't be hey if you really want to go old school you could learn BASIC which was later translated as:

Attempt to

Well not really but it works.
Haha, I used to program in BASIC way back in the day. I remember me and my brother didn't know what anything meant but we'd type pages of code to play some really cheesy games. Ha ha.

As far as commenting... you spelled "you're" wrong in the title of your first post. I think wordpress has a spellcheck plugin to boot.

Shit, your right! Spellcheck wouldn't have caught that though because it was used wrong but it's still spelled correctly. Thanks for pointing that out.:error:
Nice Logo.

I learned html with a book as a reference and downloaded some free templates. This will give you your base code, now look at the code and make changes to it to see what happens and go from there.

As someone else mentioned CSS is pretty important these days, but it is easy once you understand the basics. Well until you get in to browser compatibility.
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