Hello Everyone :music06:
I got 7 blogs
1 X PR5 :eatmousepointer:
4 X PR4 :eatmousepointer:
2 X PR3 :eatmousepointer:
1 link on all 7 blogs will cost you $70 (One Year Placement)
1 blogpost on all 7 blogs = $35 (permanent placement) :thumbsup:
If you write, the price will be $20 :thumbsup:
Niche: General (Lifestyle/Health/Home Improvement/Technology/and so on) :alert:
Alexa: I have decent Alexa ranking. :alert:
Domain Age: 5 years/3 years/2 years. :alert:
Link Popularity: Very decent. :alert:
Payment accepted via paypal! :2gunsfiring_v1:
If you are interested, PM me with your URL information..:angel:
Thank you
I got 7 blogs
1 X PR5 :eatmousepointer:
4 X PR4 :eatmousepointer:
2 X PR3 :eatmousepointer:
1 link on all 7 blogs will cost you $70 (One Year Placement)
1 blogpost on all 7 blogs = $35 (permanent placement) :thumbsup:
If you write, the price will be $20 :thumbsup:
Niche: General (Lifestyle/Health/Home Improvement/Technology/and so on) :alert:
Alexa: I have decent Alexa ranking. :alert:
Domain Age: 5 years/3 years/2 years. :alert:
Link Popularity: Very decent. :alert:
Payment accepted via paypal! :2gunsfiring_v1:
If you are interested, PM me with your URL information..:angel:
Thank you