WTF?! Inbox Craziness: Mike Huckabee Pimping His Wife Out for RNC Money...

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
What is this bullshit?! I try to be open minded and non partisan by giving money to a republican candidate I feel (more like "felt") was a "compassionate" conservative and held true to some ethical standards I believe in....

-promoted universal health insurance in Arkansas (one of the poorest states)
-supported a simplified tax system
-garnered 50% of the dem vote while in office
-advocated for the poor
-American Protestant work ethic as a tool for social change (whatever you believe in the American protestant work ethic is to be commended independent of religious beliefs)

And this is what I get in my email box?! Mike Huckabee pimping his wife out with politically-motivated Jesus-speak???

Is there nothing sacred these days??

This is why there are so many moderates/slightly left-of-centers disillusioned with mainstream religiousity these days.....

makes me mad....


The sales "pitch":

When I was little my dad always read to me or told me stories as I was going to bed. One of my favorites was the story in the bible of Jesus feeding the five thousand with only 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. I was always amazed at how Jesus was able to do that, but I was even more excited that Jesus didn't feed those people any vegetables. In fact I tried many times to use that as a loop hole that if Jesus didn't give the people vegetables then why did I have to eat them?
Unfortunately for me, my dad has always been quick witted and told me that he worked with what he had there and I still ended up having to eat my vegetables.

My dad's answer did more than get me to eat peas and carrots, he also taught me I had to work with what I had.

Huck PAC is not like the federal governement and we can't print money or spend money that doesn't belong to us, we can only use what we have. Huck PAC has worked hard to do what we could with the resources many of you have helped provide. We have used your money wisely and tried to make the biggest impact we could even though we didn't have a lot. We can't do God like miracles, but over the last year we have broken the bread and watched it multiply.

The first six months of this year have been busy, productive, and challenging but they aren't over yet and Huck PAC isn't finished yet. We have rebuilt the website, signed up thousands of volunteers, done events on both coasts and everywhere in between, we have endorsed and supported great conservative candidates, but there is still a lot of work left to be done and we need your help to do it.

There are only a couple of days left in this quarter and we have a few thousand dollars left to go to reach our goal. We will use this money to help fund the next round of House Parties on August 22nd and to give conservative candidates the resources they need to win races. I am asking you to join me and make the most generous contribution you can whether that is $5, $15, $25, $50, $100, $1000 or even $5000. We have had a great start to this year and we want to continue our efforts in that same strength we started with.

Republicans have some big races coming up in Virginia this November and you can bet that Huck PAC will be working hard there to make sure guys like Bob McDonnell, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli are elected. Too much is at stake for us to quit now and not finish strong. Please join me by making a contribution of $5, $15, $25, $50, $100, $1000 or even $5000 today.

Thanks for all of your constant support, friendship and help as we help move our country forward.

Watching the bread multiply,

Sarah Huckabee

Ummm, yeah. The Huckabees are a religious family. And this surprises you how?

You missed the point of the email - I know they are religious. That's one reason why I gave him my money last year. However, what I am mad about is the politicalization of it all.

This is what turns people off to religion. Besides the fact when you send emails to your list with your wife asking for money and quoting the bible and shit it is a real turn off.

It comes scarily close to acting like G or whatever is taking sides in a political debate.

Just one more reason we need more political parties than the typical right/left crap we have now......
I like Huckabee, it's a shame he didn't get very far in the primaries. He was probably the one guy who had a shot at beating Obama.
I like Huckabee, it's a shame he didn't get very far in the primaries. He was probably the one guy who had a shot at beating Obama.


Speaking of politics, Riddar, plz contact me if you are in need of a boytoy.
I'm still stuck on why anyone would vote or donate to anyone else that gleefully incorporates their religion into their political office.
I'm still stuck on why anyone would vote or donate to anyone else that gleefully incorporates their religion into their political office.

Did you really want an answer or this just another religion jab?

Religion is a system of beliefs - ex: existentialism, keysian economics, abortion rights, etc.

I, like most people I hope, vote for representatives based on my perception of how their beliefs will effect their decision making.

Just like someone could "gleefully incorporate" their environmentalism into their political office or "gleefully incorporate" their sexism into their political office, humans can't be separated from their belief systems.

Further, there are many ethical nonbelievers/atheists and there are many unethical believers/religionists.

In fact, the point of the thread was my frustration and disappointment with the latter...
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