WTF how does this work?

Look at all the squares that are divisible by 9, notice how they are always the same thing? That's because no matter what number you pick, after the little process it's divisible by 9.
math .. i dont know how exactly, but i've seen people do this before, this just took it a step further
Yep, no matter what it will be divisible by 9 so the same item will be in boxes 9,18,27,36,45 and so on. The chart of items changes up each round so that each time you play it'll be a different answer in those boxes.
There are also 10 types of people in the world: Those that understand binary and those that don't.
I'm a little worried for you, OP. Don't even need math skills to figure this out, just an ability to realize that she picks the same boxes every time.
Fucking Magnets, how do they work?

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goddamn this game. Thought i would be slick and bust out pen and paper and try and one up that biiiiisssh.

human = 0
computer whore = 1

